In flames

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Alec's pov

"Are you sure this is the best idea?" I ask leaning against the front of dads house. Looking at Ashton who was holding a duffle and a suitcase. "It's the only way, I'm going to help our brother for a while, so no one comes looking for me here, and you're gonna take Luke and Zo somewhere else safe, I don't care where it is." Ashton says walking towards my car.

"I'll do this as soon as I can." I mumble following him the car getting into the driver seat. "It'll be so much easier this way." Ashton says as we drive away from the house towards the airport. "What about Zo?" I ask gripping the steering wheel sighing.
"You'll protect them, I know you." Ashton says holding onto his phone with an anxious face. "She won't remember you, she's still a baby." I say knowing the deep whole we had been put in from an early beginning.
"Then tell her the truth, tell her that you're her father and that Jade is her biological mother, just leave out all the bad details." Ashton says

"It's all bad details, I'll have to lie about everything." I say driving towards the airport. "She doesn't need to know all these things that have ruined our family, and I regret pulling Luke into any of these, I know he thinks he can handle this but I can see how hard it is for him." Ashton says still looking down at his phone. "I'll make sure Zo is going to be okay, I can't expect Luke to just follow my lead." I say feeling my heart break for Luke. "Our brother needs my help, I can't just stay home and take care of everyone." Ashton says as we pull into a small airport which only flies small charter plaines.

"We'll be fine, just keep in contact with us when you can." I say and he nods opening his car door. "I'll see you later, take care of our family." Ashton says getting his bags and going towards the entrance gates.

-Luke's POV-

"Luke have you got your things packed?" I could hear Michael form the living room. "Everything I needed." I say packing a box of Zo's things towards through the hallway.
"Let's hurry up and leave." He says holding Zo packing her out the house putting Zo into her car seat as I put my box in the back of his car as I get into the backseat with her waiting for Michael who had walked back towards the house. "What are you doing?" I ask pushing the door open looking at Michael. "As much as I hate doing this Ashton told me to, so you wouldn't stay here." He says opening a zippo tossing it into the house causing the carpet to ignite in flames, before walking back to the house. Leaving me speechless watching as Ashtons home began to burn from the inside.

"He's not coming back anytime soon is he?" I mumble quietly from the backseat as warm tears quickly slid down my cheeks. "It had to be done Luke, he couldn't trust that someone wouldn't come looking for him and it'd put you in danger." Michael says start the car pulling out of the driveway leaving the house to go up in blazes behind us. "I understand." I mumble as he drives me to Alecs apartment which used to be Ashtons.
"You don't mind staying here right?" Michael asks looking at me from the mirror. "No, I'll be okay." I say opening the car door walking around to the other side to get Zo out of the car. "I'll start packing up some of your things, go ahead and get her settled." Michael says handing me an old brass key to unlock the door.

~I'm sorry I haven't wrote on this in a while, I haven't been too active on Wattpad. But I still want to finish this book since I've already put so much into it. Please be patient I do plan to complete the book.

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