Call it a blessing.

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Ashtons POV
It was finally Christmas Eve, Luke and I had everything put together for a big Christmas party. "Mack and Lauren are here, I think they even brought Mike," Luke says holding Zo pushing her wavy brown hair from her eyes kissing his nose.
"Look I think they brought you stuff Zozo," Luke says pointing at all the gifts they're packing into the house.

"I should probably help," I say running to the front door pulling it open for them. "Merry Christmas Ash," Lauren says walking by followed by Mack and Michael who are also packing gifts.
"Just sit everything around the tree," Luke says sitting down on the couch readjusting Zo's skirt. "My parents will be coming too," Luke says smiling bouncing Zo on his knee. "I'm assuming that includes your brother," Mikey mumbles sitting down his stacks of gifts. "And Calum so please be civil," I say sitting down beside Luke. "It is a family get together," Mack says sitting across from us beside Lauren.

"Who said I wouldn't be." He says shrugging his shoulders. "Okay and I'm taking that as a promise, and if you break your promise I'm giving you a swirly," I say shaking my head. "Fine," Michael says putting his hands up in defense.

Not long after Luke's family arrived. Everyone had sat in the living room together. "Glad to see you came," Luke says smiling at his family. "Thanks for inviting us." His mom says standing beside Luke's dad who I'm meeting for the first time.

"Ben you're here," Luke says pulling him into a hug holding Zo in his arms. "It'd be rude to not show up, plus your my bother and I haven't seen you in a while." He says hugging him back.

"You've been keeping yourself busy, I've stopped by the house a few times and Jack said you were gone," I say handing Zo to Jack. "It must be a big change being an adult so fast." His father says standing in the doorway of the living room. "For two years now," Ashton says still sitting on the couch.

"Things would be different if you would have stayed in Arizona." His dad says glaring at me pulling a gun from his coat pocket aiming at me pulling the trigger.

"Luke hurry run!" Mack screams rushing in front of the Jack, Luke, and Zo as his dad continues shooting the gun while the three of them rush away from gunfire and Lauren hides behind the sofa. "Mack what are you doing?!" Micheal yells pulling her ways from Luke's dad to begin shot in his shoulder slamming against the living room wall.

"Who do you think you are coming to my house and fucking things up!" I scream pulling out my gun I had hidden in the coffee table letting off the clip before dropping the gun seeing him crumpled against the floor with a few holes in his face.

My ears were ringing from the loudness of my gun I could feel the throb in my bullet wound while crouching over feeling bile rushing up my throat from the pain surging through my stomach, looking over, seeing Jack crouched over Luke and Zo as she cried. "Are you all okay," I ask leaning onto the wall for support. "Y-yeah we're okay," Luke says holding Zo into his chest.

"Jack get the baby and take her to our bedroom, cover her eyes," I say forcing myself to walk towards the kitchen grabbing a dish towel and shoving it into the bullet hole. "A-Ashton she's not breathing!" Lauren yells sitting overtop of Mack holding her hands over the bullet hole as blood seeps out of the wounds staining Lauren's hands dark red. "She's gone, the wound is too high up I can't fix it." I mumbled quietly walking towards the living room seeing the massacre that had happened in the middle of our home. "Michael are you still with us," I say dropping to my knees beside him tearing off his shirt to see the bullet wound in his shoulder. "My sister!" He says trying his best to sit up from the floor. "I'm sorry Mike but she's not gonna wake up," I say wrapping the ripped shirt around his arm to cut off the blood flow.
"Ben come on you got to help us," Luke says coming back into the living room with a medical box. "Luke our dad was shot what are we supposed to do we need to go to a hospital." He says as tears run down his face. "Don't go feeling bad for him, he did this he's a horrible person," I say as Luke begins pulling out medical supplies.

"I-I need Calum I can't handle this myself," Ben says pulling out his phone.
"Good idea, talk to him, and clam down."
Luke says making me sit down beside Micheal. "Mom you gotta get up and help us, you can't sit there and be terrified forever," Luke says not bothering to look at his mother who was cowering in the corner of the room beside her husband's body. "I-I didn't know this was gonna happen Luke I promise." She says slowly getting up from the floor walking towards us. "You should have listened to me," Luke says as Liz begins helping Micheal.

"He's your father Luke, I didn't know this would happen." She says as she begins pulling the bullet form Michael's arm. "You don't think that maybe he'd have some resentment against me, because you divorced and we left the country to get away from him," Luke says in a flat emotionless tone shaking his head. "I thought he would change." She responds quietly covering Michael's arm in disinfectant before starting stitches.
"Obviously he did, for the worse," Luke says watching what his mom had done repeating the same thing to the bullet wound in my side. "I'm sorry Luke,"Liz says slumping her shoulders staying focused on Michael. "Saying sorry doesn't save my best friend, it didn't stop us from getting hurt, what if he would have hurt my daughter?" He says as a car pulls into the driveway.

"It's Calum," Ben says breathily getting up from the floor walking towards the front door. "At least he never found out that Ben is gay, we would have had to burry my bother," Luke says starting the stitches in my side. "He wanted to kill us, he came here with the intention to kill me and Luke," I say feeling nauseous from the loss of blood.

"I lost my sister because of you," Micheal says gritting his teeth looking at Liz then over to Lauren who was holding Mack against her chest. "She didn't even get to finish school, she never had the opportunity to become an adult or even know what she wanted and you took that away from her and I'll never forgive you for that," Michael says as Liz finishes his stitches standing up in front of him.
"I was supposed to watch after her, she's my baby sister!" He screams pushing his head against the wall we tears began to roll down the sides of his face.

She was at a loss for words, she knew she had no defense, that she had let him back in, and he would be the demise of us all.
"Just go home, we can handle everything from here," Luke says bitterly finishing the stitches in my side. She didn't say anything as she quickly walked away leaving behind the mess she had caused.

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