Record shop

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We stayed at the record store keeping Michael company, which was also a great excuse to splurge on all the records they had that I hadn't bought for myself yet. As well as playing guitar with Michael while Mack was looking through the stack of magazines on the check out counter since not many people were coming into the store. Before leaving I bought a few posters, a stack of vinyl, and a handful of guitar picks from the store. It was already past six and I knew my brothers would be pissed if I show up any later than they were. So I decided to leave the shop and walk back home while looking around at the other shops on the street hoping to find a nice café to get coffee and pastries from whenever I come over to visit Mack and Michael.

But as I was walking out of the store I ran it to someone, quite physically. Much to my luck he quickly helped me up and picked up my things. Ashton, of all people, was standing in front of me with a loose grasp on my arm which made my stomach flip. "I'm so sorry, Luke right." He says handing my bag and letting go of my arm while looking directly at me with his addictive hazel eyes and a soft smile. "I'm fine it isn't a big deal, and yes it's Luke or Lu depends on which you prefer," I say nervously babbling sliding my backpack on. " Sorry I ran into you I wasn't paying attention walking out of my apartment, where are you headed, would you like a ride?" Ashton says pointing at the building beside the record store smiling at me.

"I'd love a ride, anything beats a long walk," I say following Ashton to his car getting into the passenger seat

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"I'd love a ride, anything beats a long walk," I say following Ashton to his car getting into the passenger seat. We were quite for a moment as he drove past the shop towards my house.

"Sorry about the whole pool situation," Ashton mumbles gaining my attention. "Um yeah that was kinda awkward," I say furrowing my eyebrows looking down at my hands. "To be fair I had done it all summer," Ashton says stopping his self for making it sound any worse. "That just sounds a bit more creepy." I laugh looking over at Ashton. "Well, it was before you moved in so it's not like I was being some stalker I didn't even know who you were till today," Ashton says tapping his thumbs on the steering wheel to the beat of blink-182.

"And how did you know there was even a pool?, my yard has a big fence," I question with a smile that hadn't managed to leave my face since I bumped into Ashton. "Before you moved in the house was foreclosed and it was off the market so a lot of us seniors now would party there during the summer because of the big pool," Ashton says as we stop in front of the house. "Thanks for the car ride," I say unbuckling my seatbelt and getting out of Ashton's car.

"Maybe we should hang out together sometime," Ashton calls from the driver's seat. "You know where I live, maybe you can sneak over for a midnight pool session," I say being as minimally flirty as possible before waving goodbye and walking into the house lightly shutting the door behind me. Seeing my two older brothers standing in the dining room with my mom. Was I about to be in an absolute world of shit?

"Luke where the hell have you been! You just ran off with some girl and we had no clue what was happening!" Jack yells making me cringe at how much he sounds like our father. "I was with some friends that I had met today," I say preparing myself for some stupid lecture that my brothers have came up with.

"Lu sweetheart we just want to make sure that you're safe." Mom says glaring at my brothers who were jumping all on my case. "I was perfectly fine, I actually was at a music store, and I found myself plenty of new vinyl records I say walking out of the dining room back into my room kicking oof my shoes and throw my backpack on the floor packing my vinyls over to my record player and turning one on.

I've been loving all the wrong people
All the wrong people
Craving all the wrong people
I'm so pessimistic but I'm falling in love ~ ♪

-Authors note-
Early update for next week I'm still working on updates for the book.
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