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I quietly walked into the house closing the door behind me sliding to the floor holding it all in for as long as possible. I sat there regretting that he had told me, feeling stupid for falling in love with someone who could so easily kill someone, and not think twice about it, this is why he didn't want me around them. But Ashton was different, he wasn't like the bad guys they were made out to be in movies. He was a sweet genuine person who I trusted. But it's so hard to let go of the thought that he wouldn't hesitate to end someone's life, without and confrontation or attempt to verbally work out a disagreement. I couldn't hold it in any longer I sobbed covering my face hearing Jack running down the stairs. "Lu thank god you're home what happened are you okay?!" He says kneeling down in front of me removing my hands to inspect my face.

"I'm fine." I huff wiping my cheeks that were still soaked from tears. "What'd he do to you?" Jack says helping me up from the floor. "He didn't do anything to me," I say laying against Jack's chest not having the strength to hold myself up. "Why are you crying then Lu." He asks pushing my hair out of my face. "Because I'm not with him," I mutter into his chest as he easily packs me into my room and lays me on my bed. "You're so confusing Luke," Jack says helping me take off my converse laying them beside my bed. "I miss him but I don't wanna be around him right now," I say feeling tears dry up on my chin and neck.

"I don't trust him Lu," Jack says tossing my blanket over me sitting on the edge of my bed. "He didn't hurt me, we had a disagreement which turned into an argument and I hate being upset with anyone I care about," I say quietly yawning. "It's your decision Lu, I trust you so I'll try being supportive but the first time he hurts you I can't put up with it," Jack says shanking his head standing up going to leave my room. "I'm sorry, for arguing with you and Ben especially you, I shouldn't have broken your rules but you don't need to be so controlling I'm old enough to make my own decisions, I know better," I say sighing as Jack walks out of my room closing the door and soon after I fell asleep.

I slept through the rest of the day and eventually woke up late Sunday afternoon, my throat was dry and raw from crying so much the day before. I sat up throwing off my blankets seeing an aspirin and a bottle of water on my bedside table. I quickly downed the two before walking to the bathroom taking off my clothes I've been in since Saturday morning stepping into the shower feeling warm water flatten my wild curly hair. I still wasn't ready to talk to Ashton after everything that had happened I didn't want there to start another argument with him which would end in tears. I washed my hair and body off letting the water run down my back rinsing the suds off before getting out of the shower drying off and putting my wet hair up in a towel then going to my closet changing into one of Ben's old football hoodies and a pair of black spandex shorts walking out of my bedroom. Both of the cars were gone and the house was eerily quiet, I couldn't help but scare myself thinking of what Alec had said yesterday. I didn't want to be alone but I couldn't go running to Ashton after everything so I decided to call Mack.

She happily agreed to come over and stay so I wasn't alone and we couldn't hang out together. It wasn't long until she showed up, bringing snacks, popcorn, and face masks. "Thanks for coming over so I didn't have a mental break down," I say making a bowl of popcorn while Mack picked us a movie to watch on Netflix. After finishing the popcorn I went into the living room and we put on face masks and began watching the movie which Mack didn't pay any attention to because she insisted on french braiding my hair.

Before the movie had time to finish we were both laid across the sectional with the tv on mute.
"Are you okay Luke?" Mack asks quietly sitting up looking over at me. "Yeah I'm fine why wouldn't I be?" I ask shaking a bottle of nail polish before taking off the cap.
"Because I saw the fight you had with Ashton and I know everything that's happened between you two." She says while I begin painting her nails a dark maroon color. "Oh, I just don't understand it," I say sighing looking up at her pretty blue hair that doesn't seem to fade.

"Understand what, Luke I don't think you understand it at all." She says bluntly not trying to be rude. "Then explain it to me please because I hate being upset with Ashton," I say going over her nails before closing the nail polish. "He doesn't just go out and kill people, he don't really even kill people as much as you think," Mack says picking out a shiny pearl white to paint my nails with. "But it's still killing people Mack," I say confused at how to see it any other way.

"He doesn't just walk into a building and shoot people they do it to protect us, I mean Hells blaze is a gang but they don't kill people for fun none of them are like that," Mack says starting to paint my nails. "I mean even Jace could be a good guy if he didn't wanna kill all of us because he's a lunatic," she says smiling shaking her head. "Not to be nosy but how did you end up in a gang?" I ask curiously hoping I didn't sound like an idiot. "Well, my parents and Ashton's have been friends for a while so we were all close going up Michael and Ashton are best friends and I started to date Lauren when we were in middle school," Mack says smiling. "So if I'm dating Ashton," I ask fumbling over my words making Mack laugh. "Yes, Luke if Ashton loves you like I think he does that makes you one of us." She says shaking her head. "But I'm not a fighter I can't," I say turning off the tv and going to my room with Mack.

"Trust me you are." She says rolling her eyes as I fall down on my bed. "Maybe verbally but that's different," I say as she sits down beside me on my bed. "If I can take out a 250-pound guy so can you, you'll just have to learn a few things." She says rolling her eyes. "I don't think I can!" I say sighing in frustration.
"Luke yes you can, Ashton can teach you he's the best at this shit or I can if you'd be more comfortable but you need to learn because you'd be easy to target." She says poking me in the side making me scream and roll off the bed. "See this is a good example!" She yells jumping off my bed tickling my sides till she's sitting on top of me making me laugh and scream. "Fine! I give just stop!" I say as Mack gets up helping me off the floor.
"I'll learn whatever you think I need to just no more tickles and you have to spend the night," I say bouncing back onto the bed. "Fine but you have to let me pick your outfit." She says deviously. "Whatever but no more tickling me," I say back as we both go into the kitchen getting the dinner mom had made us eating before going to sleep.

-Authors note-
I know I haven't updated in god knows how long and I'm very very sorry so I'm gonna update 3 chapters. ♥︎

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