A new house

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We had rented a car from a nearby car shop and put our luggage in the trunk before driving to the house which was a long quiet 20-minute drive. Because no one really wants to talk about the move around Ben who still seems pissed about the whole thing. It's been awkward between Ben and me since he blames me for the divorce and the move which it's not it's dad's but Ben would never see it that way. Thankfully Jack is more understanding than Ben and is completely neutral between the two of us. Even though he knows I'm right since he was there to stop it.

Mom pulled into a new two-story modern style house with a pretty grass lawn and plenty of windows.
We all piled out of the car and stretched from the long periods of sitting down. Mom walked up to the front door and unlocked it handing the three of us matching silver keys attached to keychains with our names on them that opened the front door of the house.

The entrance to the house was bright and filled with our boxes of decorations that were sitting on top of our laundry machines and small furniture that hadn't been put in its place yet. It had tall ceilings and stairs to the second story. We all followed mom into the living room which was connected to the dining room that has a large set of glass French doors that leads out to the pool.

We all walked through the kitchen which had two entrances one went from the dining room and the other one was into a hall that connected to a hallway of where the master bedroom is which mom happily gave me since it had the biggest closet and shelves that I could put my shoes on as well as a connected bedroom which I could fill with my makeup, hair products, skincare, and everything else that my brothers use to complain about being in their way since we use to share a bathroom at the old house.

Upstairs has another full bathroom and three bedrooms for Mom, Ben, and Jack. After looking around the house we all grabbed a few boxes and our luggage we took on the plane pushing them into our rooms and began unpacking. Which was an absolute hassle, it was worse than packing.
I had thrown random items in the boxes that had been sprawled around my room. Which included all my clothes that were unsorted and some were still on the hangers. Eventually, I gave up trying to look for certain things so I dumped all my clothes out in my closet on top of a huge round ottoman mom had bought me for extra storage and seating. I had begun grabbing the clothes that were already attached to hangers and putting them in stacks. I hung all my jeans and coats on the farthest end of the closet since I had no intentions of wearing them in this heat.

But of course, that didn't cover a fraction of the things I had. Meaning I had to go search for through the house. Somehow my boxes of shoes were in the dining room blocking the French doors. The sun was going down but it was still extremely hot. I began dragging my shoes away from the doors near the dining room table which was one of the few things the movers didn't have to touch because mom had bought it with the house. It was physically exhausting to try dragging boxes that were heavier than I am around, so I took a seat on top of them leaning against the wall glancing outside at the pool.

Much to my surprise, some boy was in the pool and it wasn't Ben or Jack he had deep hazel eyes and sunglasses perched on top of his curly honey blonde hair. It was kind of awkward when we make eye contact. I froze, he wasn't scary, maybe a bit intimidating and he didn't seem to have any intentions to come in the house. But before I could say anything to my mother who was putting things away in the kitchen he pulled himself out of the pool and jumped over the fence in the backyard disappearing.

-Authors note

Surprise early update because I'm out of state for a national competition and I'm gonna be super busy for the next few days.

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