Party rules

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The next afternoon Ashton and I both began to get dressed for the party. I grabbed my cherry print crop top a black skirt and my red jacket that matched my choker.

I quickly changed and straightened my hair which had grew past my shoulders putting braids in the sides of my hair pinning them back before walking back to the bedroom where Ashton was standing in front of his closet shirtless in a pair of black s...

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I quickly changed and straightened my hair which had grew past my shoulders putting braids in the sides of my hair pinning them back before walking back to the bedroom where Ashton was standing in front of his closet shirtless in a pair of black skinny jeans. "What are you doing?" I ask smiling walking over to him kissing him. "I don't know what to wear." He's huffing sitting down on his bed laying back. "I can pick you something." I say walking over to his closet moving his wracks around looking towards the back before finding one. "I got it." I say grabbing out a pink long sleeve that matches my phone case and details on my shoes tossing it to him. "Really Lu Mack bought me this for Christmas last year and I haven't wore it once."He says sliding it over his head looking at himself in the mirror. "It looks good you just need to fix it!" I say grabbing the hem his shirt tucking it into the front of his jeans. "It looks great, it's a french tuck." I say kissing him grabbing a black leather belt handing it to him. "If you insist Lu." He says putting the belt on buckling it grabbing his black vans putting them on. "Now we match." I say pointing at the pink and our vans. "Is that a boyfriend thing?" Ashton asks sarcastically as we walk out of his room getting his keys to the car and locking the apartment leaving.

Once we got in the car Ashton turned on the stereo playing a Post Malone cd that Lauren had left in his car. "Lu make sure you keep you're phone on just in case." Ashton says as we finally make it to the outside of town where the party is supposed to be.
"I will." I say turning on my ringer sticking my phone back into my jacket. "And if you can't find me find your brothers or one of our friends." He says as we go past a few other cars parking beside Mack and Michael's cars.
"They're already at the cabin." He says reading a message from his phone before putting it crack into his pocket taking my hand and walking We me into the party.
Not long after walking in we see everyone sitting inside with each other. "Come on you two we were about to start a game." Mack says calling for us saving a spot on the couch. Ashton and I both sat down together beside Mack and Lauren. "So what's the game?" I ask grinning. "It's truth dare or drink." Alec says sitting two tall bottles of whiskey and vodka on the coffee table with shot glasses.
"Okay but we have to let my friend play!" I say jumping up from the couch seeing Calum walking into the cabin by himself dragging him over to everyone. "Woah woah Lu what are you doing?" He says laughing. "I'm pulling you into a drinking game." I say sitting down between him and Ashton.

"Okay so can we start now?!" Mack says excited unscrewing the vodka cap pouring two shots. "Center starts, so I'll go I dare Mack to finish both those shots or give them to Luke." Michael says laughing as Mack picked up both shots and drank them rolling her eyes. "No way I'm getting him shit faced." She says sitting both glasses back down filling them up.
"My turn, I dare Ashton to go take that kids beer and chug." Alec says point at some guy standing towards the kitchen doorway. "Sure why not what's he gonna do fight me." Ashton says getting up walking over to the guy saying something none of us could make out before taking the kids unopened beer and popping the cap off easily chugging the beer walking back over to us and sitting the empty bottle on the coffee table. "Cal's turn."
I say in a cheery voice nudging his arm. "Um okay how about who ever the bottle lands on has to kiss the person on the right of them." He was taking Ashton's empty bottle laying it on its side spinning it until it stopped. He was absolutely mortified when the bottle landed and his dare backfired on himself. "Wait wait Alec has to kiss you." Ashton says trying not to laugh. "Oh great look what you've done." Alec says laughing "W-wait is he even gay he doesn't wanna kiss me." Calum says panicked "If you're wondering I don't define my sexuality." Alec says taking a shot off the table drinking it before standing up and kissing Calum and pulling away sitting back down. "You only have to drink when you skip the dare." Mack says filling the glass up again. "Why let a good shot go to waste." He says as Ashton and Michael stand up mumbling something and walking off from the game.

"Wait where are they going?" I ask as Alec picked the untouched bottle of whiskey up and starts drinking it. "I uh I'm not sure we're gonna go see." Mack says getting up with Lauren following them out of the cabin. "This is just great." I say annoyed taking one of the shots drinking it along with the other one. "I-I'm gonna go to Luke I'll see you later." Calum says still flustered over his kiss with Alec.
"I can't believe you kissed him you could have just taken the shot!" I say picking up the vodka bottle and pouring another shot drinking it. "You didn't really think I'd miss out on that and make myself look like a punk bitch did you." Alec says shrugging taking another drink. "I-I didn't even know you were gay." I say rubbing my face. "Come on Lu don't have a fit it was just a kiss." Alec says winking at me. "Why would I throw a fit?!" I yell throwing my hands up getting up from the couch. "I don't know why are you throwing a fit?" Alec says standing up holding his bottle of whiskey. "I'm not it's you're just working me up." I say as Alec steps closer "I haven't done anything." He says in a low voice smiling at me leaning in an softly kissing me before walking off leaving me standing alone in the living room.

-Authors note-

It's late but here's today's update, very sorry about that and don't come for me because of this chapter its all going to make sense at some point, there maybe another 20 or 30 chapters to go. <3 p.s. sorry if there are any typos I haven't really taken the time to look over chapters and edit them..

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