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Luke's pov

Mack took me to school this morning after Ashton made us breakfast, I finally introduced Jack, Ben, and Calum to Lauren, Mack, and Michael during lunch even though I knew they all had met at some point. It was awkward at first until Mack broke the tension by joking around with my brothers about my girly clothes and appearance which I didn't mind because I knew they weren't actually being mean about it. After school was finished Mack drove me to her place getting a change of clothes for the both of us and some sneakers since I couldn't do anything she had in mind in a pair of high heels. After I changed into the black shorts and T-shirt she had gave me we got back into the car and she drove us to a huge building that didn't look like it was used. After she parked we both got out of the car and went inside. There was a bunch of targets for shooting as well as a punching back and a mat on the floor for wrestling. "So Lu are you ready." Mack says in a cheery voice handing me a hair bow and putting up her own hair. "Yeah I guess." I say putting my hair up into a ponytail looking around at the huge space that was filled with crates and workout equipment.

"Why's all this here?" I ask watching as Mack took off her hoodie and turned on the ac. "Ashton wanted it to work out and practice since Will had the space he allowed it." She says shrugging turning around facing me with a devious smile. "Oh." I say feeling the cold air blasting from the overhead vents. "Are you crazy it's already November and you turned on the air conditioner?!" I say pulling my arms against my chest. "We're going to need it unless you wanna overheat and pass out from working out and getting too hot." She says laughing at my reaction walking over to the wrestling mat.
"Fine but what the hell do you have in mind?" I ask following her standing across from her. "I'm gonna show you how to fight duh." She says shaking her head.
"Fine just don't hurt me." I say sighing as Mack grabs my shoulder. "Stick your leg on the other side of mine then line out hips up and take my wrist and flip me." She says standing sideways waiting for me to attempt to do what she had told me. "I can't flip you it's not that easy." I say pulling on her wrist trying to get her flip over. "Geez it's because you aren't using your legs." She says flipping our stance and easily pushing me over her shoulder till I was on the ground going around me until she was on top of me pinning my arms down with her legs. "Come on Lu, Ashton would spazz if he knew I had you pinned he's so overprotective and he'd kill me if he thought you were hurt." She says smiling pressing against my collar making me flinch in pain.

"of course you could see them." I say glancing down at the low neckline on my T-shirt that was showing all the hickeys Ashton left on my shoulder and collar. "He's such a horny teenager." Mack says shaking her head putting her hands on her hips. "It's not just his fault so don't blame him." I say feeling embarrassed by the conversation. "Fine let's get back to training, so next thing you need to do is push your legs up and move your body to get your arms free then grab my shoulders and shove till I'm off of you." She says sitting still looking down at me until I eventually get my arms free and get out from underneath her and we both stand up on the mat.

"How the hell do you do this so easily." I say breathlessly holding my knees. "Because unlike you my brother will pin me down and try fighting me." She says making me stand up straight to catch my breath. "It's not that bad Luke just try to breath." Mack says shoving my shoulder smiling at me. "Not that bad I can't understand how you enjoy this." I say shaking my head looking at the bruise on my knee from slamming each other to the mat. "Come on you have to admit you're enjoying the fact that if anyone tries to fight you the you'd be able to handle it." She says while I finally manage to catch my breath. "Yeah I guess it's worth it." I say sarcastically agreeing with her. "But this obviously isn't a one day thing Lu." She says walking towards the center of the room. "And how long do you suggest we do all this?" I ask following behind her.

"Maybe a few weeks nothing too major." She says opening a safe getting out a handgun and a box of ammunition. "If it means I can fight like you can." I say watching as she loads the gun. "I mean yeah if you wanna work for it." She says handing me the gun. "Mack I don't think I can shoot." I say awkwardly holding the gun.
"Come on Lu it's important you know how to use it even if you don't want to it's just to be safe." She says helping me hold the gun properly. "Mack I don't wanna shoot anyone I-I can't." I say mumbling looking at the gun in my hands. "I don't want you to either but I couldn't live with myself if you were hurt and you could have done something about it." She says sternly. "Okay I'll try but I really don't like it." I say in a pouting voice as she helps me balance the gun and aim for a target across the room before stepping back. "Pull the trigger and hit the target, it doesn't have to be in the center or a vital area to slow someone down." She says as I glance back at her the to the target. "O-oh okay got it." I say pointing the gun forward letting one bullet out feeling the vibration through my arms and the fire come out of the end after the bullet watching as it hit the top corner of the target. "You don't have much time after you let of the first shot, aim for the bullseye." Mack says as I take a deep breath aiming shooting another bullet and it goes through close to the center of the target. "Good it's still a kill, now put the gun on safety." Mack says as I point the gun to the floor putting on the guard handing it back to her. "Thanks." I say as she unloads the gun putting it back into the safe. "It's no problem Lu." She says smiling grabbing her hoodie sliding it back on and walking back down to her car.
"I'll go ahead and drive you home you've been gone fore a while and I'm pretty sure your brothers would like to have you home occasionally." She says as we get into the car and she drives me home waving goodbye to me from the car.

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