It's not your decision

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Ashton's pov

Instead of trying to convince Luke to go to school I left him at the house taking care of Zo while my brothers and I decided to meet up at the warehouse where Alec and I haven't been since we killed Edward. Once I made it to the parking garage I got out of my car and walked upstairs turning on the lights looking around at all the things that were left untouched. Not long after I heard the sound of Alec and Harry pulling into the garage then coming upstairs. I pulled over a few chairs and sat at the large oak table which my mother refused to let Will throw out. "So what is this all about?" Alec and Harry sit down at the table together across from me. "I bet I could almost figure," Harry says looking around the warehouse at all the crates which contained pounds of narcotics and other high dollar drugs.

"You knew what it was the moment I came back, that I have to leave again, I have done my part in helping you kill Jace but I have other obligations back home," Harry says trying to ignore the upset expression on Alec's face. "It's not over! We lost dad we can't just do all this alone, This is what we were left with, and we have to do it together like he would have wanted us to do or none of this matters to you!" Alec says becoming visibly upset with everything that has been thrown our way. "Don't for a second think that I had the intention to say, this isn't my normal, I can barely fuckin stand the two of you after living in the same house together," Harry says completely dismissing Alec.

"I know the deal, but we're so screwed right now, I'm not asking you to drop your home and business but I need help," I say biting the inside of my cheek. "To what? do you really think you can handle this, you've lost dad, Liam, and Noah you think that you're just going to raise a baby and she won't be affected by this?" Harry says pulling out his phone laying it on the table. "She's not getting caught up in this there's no fucking way," Alec says only wanting the best for Zo. "And what are you going to tell her, that Luke's her mom and who gets to play dad?" Harry asks raising Alec's temper which he had been hiding. "She's going to know about Jade, and I'm her dad," Alec says hitting the table. "Oh right, so you're going to lie and leave out all the gory gang details?" Harry says rolling his eyes at Alec looking back to me. "I just need to finish what dad started, I want to sell over half of everything and if you take some back and just leave a small amount for me then all this can be settled," I say as Alec looks over at me shocked.

"And what about my opinion?" Alec says glaring between the two of us. "Just because you've finally calmed down that doesn't excuse all the terrible shit you've caused," I say pulling out my phone as Harry and I look at all our possible buyers. "Easy, we can send it to America they're are a large number of gangs around we can just do that," Harry says getting his phone and walking away from the table to make a phone call.

"Why do you think this is the right thing to do?" Alec says shaking his head as I slide my phone back into my pocket standing up from the table. "Because we have so much money we'll never go broke, this is just cleaning up what's been sitting here," I say walking over Wills office looking at the wall covered in filing cabinets which held titles to properties, cars, and all the other things which my dad had thought to invest in. "Enough not to worry about sending Zo to school or buying a car once she can drive, and all this that we still have made money from," I say turning back around seeing Harry come back into the room. "It's as good as gone, I sold them 50 percent of everything, and they're going to deposit the money into an empty account under Luke's name and we'll get it shipped over to New York," Harry says walking over towards Alec and I.

"Then it's Luke's money, to use as he pleases, we'll set him up a bank card," Alec says turning away from the two of us walking back downstairs obviously pissed that he isn't helping make the decisions like he thought he was going to. "He can't be serious, does he realize this is enough money that you could buy a private island and a jet to get you there," Harry says shaking his head and putting away his phone walking closer to me looking into Will's office. "We have no use for it, Luke won't spend it all it doesn't matter to me," I say as the two of us go into Will's office looking at his board covered in passcodes to access all the things which he knew would come to us at some point. "So you really can't stay?" I ask grabbing a notebook off of the desk flipping to the first page.

"No I can't, I think the three of us still have a lot of growing up to do before we can be remotely near each other," Harry says as I unlock Will's cabinet looking at the draw full of money that had sat there without anyone knowing. "And what do we do when we need you back here?" I ask pulling out a few stacks of money looking through the stacks. "I'll stay awhile just till all this is gone but I have to get back," Harry says as I toss him a stack of money and take my own.

"What's got you in such a rush to get home, are you in some kind of trouble?" I ask as I close Will's cabinet back. "Until the majority of our family I don't find myself in these life or death situations, I simply have people I look out for back where I call home," Harry says as the two of us walk out of what is now my office and downstairs to the parking garage. "The favor will be repaid someday," I say as Harry gets into his car. "Let's hope nothing bad enough ever happens that I'll have to come asking for help," Harry says closing his car door as well before the both of us pull out leaving the warehouse.

-Authors note-
I haven't wrote very much in a while and I'm slacking on my updates but I will finish writing this book and I've made plans for other ones after this.

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