Fuck up

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Ashton's pov

I knew the party was a back idea, I regret leaving him alone at the party even if it was for a split second. I fell for a trap the moment I had seen her face, she was so easy to recognize I had to follow her which meant everyone else had to follow along except for Luke who was left behind without any idea of what was happening.
I held him in my arms watching as the blood dropped from a gash on the side of his head slowly beginning to dry around the edges. We rushed him inside and they took him from me. I knew I had fucked up, he was hurt and he didn't deserve it. They had laid him on a bed and pushed it down the hall into a busy er. I sat against the wall holding onto his jacket that is blood stained. Mack had went back to Will's house to tell him about everything that had happened. So all I could do is sit and let my pessimistic mind wander and worry about what was happening to Luke and why they would hurt him. I gripped his jacket tight against my chest shutting my eyes leaning into the wall. I can't believe I let someone I love so deeply get hurt.

Someone I love is laying in a hospital bed in pain because the bullshit I had drug him into. I have to be the one to make sure there's a consequence for it, no matter how far I have to take it. They'll regret hurting him. I sat there and it felt like the world had gone silent, I could feel my blood rise and my anger build. I was on the verge of snapping until I opened my eyes to a small blonde woman with familiar glossy blue eyes in front of me staring down at me with sympathy. "Are you okay, do you need some assistance?" She asks tilting her head to get a better look at me, I could tell by her uniform she worked here. "N-no I'm Fine my boyfriend is hurt and he's in the er now." I say clutching his jacket in my hand looking down at it then back up
to her. "Let's go into the waiting area and I'll help you keep updated about what's going on, can I ask you who it is?" She says scrunching her eyebrows together. "Okay, and his names Luke." I say standing up following her down a hall into a open room with chairs that lead outside of the er. She had stopped dead in her tracks and looked up at me in terror. "You don't me Hemmings right?" She says sounding stifled. "Yes t-that's him is he gonna be okay?" I ask looking at her worried expression. "That's my son?!" She says grabbing a hold of my hand leading me through a large door and into the er. "I need the room number of the new admit." She says bluntly standing in front of a nurses station still holding onto my hand which I didn't try pulling away because I knew the worry she had felt for someone we both love. "He's in 403, I don't think he can be back there." She says looking up at me. "He's family, he can come with me." She says sternly pulling me down the hall and into an elevator.

"I'm Liz, Luke's mom." She says softly as we stand in the elevator going up floors to get to Luke. "I'm Ashton Irwin." I say looking at her soft blue eyes that were soothing like Luke's. "I had been hoping we would meet but I didn't mean under these circumstances." She says frowning as we both get off the elevator and walking down the hall. We stopped at a slightly opened door hearing the machine buzz. We both walked into the room quietly shutting the door seeing Luke saying in the hospital bed with wires and ivs connected to him. "He's never liked being in a hospital." Liz says quietly standing on the other side one Luke's bed brushing the hair away from his forehead and looking at the clear bandaging reveling the stitches on the side of his head.
"D-do you know what happened to him?" She says running her finger along the bandage. "We were at a party, and we got separated, I went back to look for him and he wasn't there I heard gun shots so we went running and Mack found Luke." I say frustrated because I blame myself for it.

"I'm sure he's gonna be okay, Lu's strong." Liz says sounding hopeful. "But if he's gonna get better he needs rest and he needs people around him that care because that's when he does best." She says looking up at me then back to Luke's sleeping face. "I'll stay here as long as they allow me and I'll make sure he's safe, I won't let this happen again." I say holding onto his hand looking down at his chipped nail polish.
"Don't exhaust yourself Ashton, I know you love him and you want to be here, but do what's best for your right now, I'm going to call his brothers and let them know." She says smiling up at me before walking out of the room pulling her phone out of her pink scrub pocket leaving Luke and I alone in the hospital room.

I stood there for a moment letting her words sink in, listening to the buzzing sound of all the machine in the room. I need him as much as he needs me, I have to make sure he's safe and by doing that I need to get away from him. I can't be the one bringing all this pain to him for something he can't control. As much as I love him I can't see him hurt. I looked down at his soft sleeping expression before walking out of the room and down the hall waving goodbye to Liz. It hurts to know I done that to him, so now I need to handle it. I turned the corner and went down the stairs and left the hospital driving back to Wills.

It was still early in the morning, there was still a cold chill in the air. I walked into Wills seeing everyone standing in the living room. "We gotta talk." I say standing in the doorway and Will turns with glassy red eyes. "Noah and Liam were killed last night." He says in a broken voice. I hadn't seen him so upset since my mother had passed away.

-Authors note-

can I just say HOLY FUCK this book has made it to #1 in the LASHTON tag I'm so unbelievably happy that it's made it this far! THANK YOU to everyone who reads this book I'm happy you enjoy it. <3

p.s. there is a playlist linked to my account for spotify.

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