Quiet in the library

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"Nice to meet you, Luke, I'm Mack so what class do you have next." She asks glancing over at the stack of work I had neatly stacked. "Health, unfortunately, it's mandatory they didn't make me do it in Arizona," I say putting my work into my bag. "Hey perk up that's my next class to we can walk together!" She says in a cheerful tone. "What year are you?" I ask watching as she packs up her bag and we both push in our seats. "I'm in year eleven, follow me I know a quick way to get to the heath room." She says as we both walk about the doors of the library. "By the way, we don't have to stay inside, we can have lunch outside the school on the campus," Mack says stopping to chat with a few other girls introducing me to them.

"This is Luke, he just moved from Arizona." She says gaining my attention for a moment seeing three other girls sitting at a small lunch table. "Hi," I say briefly smiling before glancing at another table further down the lot. And there he was the boy who was lounging in my pool sitting with two other people looking genuinely happy. Which made me feel a pang in my chest, we didn't stand here much longer we both began walking down the sidewalk towards the table where they were all sitting.

"Hello, earth to Luke!" Mack said nudging my arm stopping dead in my tracks. "Are you okay?" She says crossing her arms giving me a confused look. "Yeah I'm fine I was a bit distracted," I say dropping the conversation as we continue walking right to the table where he was sitting.

And just when I thought my heart couldn't pound harder we stopped and she sat down pulling me with her. "Hi." A blonde headed girl with blue eye says pulling Mack into a hug. "This is Lauren my girlfriend, and beside of her is her brother Ashton." Mack says being interrupted by the boy beside me "I'm Michael, Mack's older brother." He says with a devious smile. "This is Luke Hemmings my new best friend," Mack says introducing me to everyone, and I try my best to not make eye contact with him, but I can't help but occasionally glance over.

"We have to go now we can't be late for class," I say quickly smiling pulling Mack out of her seat towards the doors that leads back into the other side of the school. "Woah Luke slow down, we won't be late the health room is just down the hall." She says catching her breath from being dragged into the school.

"I just don't wanna be late, the earlier the better," I say as we walk down the hall to the health room. "Let's sit together," Mack says leading me to a small table with two other chairs. "I usually zone out in the class, not much happens in here anyhow it's a time great for makeup work." She says laying her head in her hand and playing on her phone.

Both of us didn't say much during class, we both done other classwork and messaged each other back and forth on our phones. She was still skeptical about my "zoning out" and why I was in such a rush to get to class but she didn't pry the question any further. It's becoming increasingly harder to get his hazel eyes out of my mind.

I wonder if it was as awkward for him as it was for me, or if he didn't even realize it was my back yard that he snuck into.

After classes had ended the school bell rang, meaning the day was over and we were free to leave. I picked up my bag from my seat in the front of the class and left the science room waving goodbye to Mr. Penix. I walked down the hallway and out towards the football field where my brothers were standing beside Calum with new sports gear. Not surprised, they made the team and they were already starting practice. "Congrats you're back on the sports team," I say playfully nudging Jack.

"Practice ends around six you should wait till we're through practicing before you going walking off on your own," Ben says pulling his shirt over his head changing into a practice jersey. "What makes you think I wanna stay at school?" I say crossing my arms rolling my eyes at his stupid comment. "You know he's right." Jack says giving me his bossy "you know I'm right" stare, and just as I was about to give in and agree to stay a saving grace walked out of the school.

"Hey! Luke what are you doing?!" Mack says yelling at me from the front of the school. "You know I actually think I'm gonna leave with her," I say smirking at the simple fact that I didn't have to listen to Ben before running over to Mack who was standing with Michael.
"Hey," I say catching my breath.
"Would you mind if I got a ride from you, my brothers have practice and they insisted I stay till it's over so we can all walk home together but I'd really rather not." I say holding my bag straps.

"Yeah, of course, you can, if you don't mind going to work with me," Michael says as we continue walking out to their car. "And what's your job?" I ask getting in the back seat. "I run a record shop for my parents," Michael says as we pull out the parking lot.

~ Authors note ~
It's another early update!
Tribute to LashtonHemwin21 for making me obsessed with lashton and femluke because of all the book suggestions, thanks for all the book inspiration lol☺︎♥︎

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