A Gay Bar

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Ashton's pov

Once we left Michael's I let him to choose where we were going to club and of course he had to choose one of the only gay bars in Sydney, in his defense it was one of the larger nicer places that never attempted to card us because Michael knows the owner, who I assume owes him something or they slept together at some point.

Once we had got there we walked in through a large set of glass doors into a dimly lit area that had black floors and silver railing and seating as well as a bar and the stage and poles for the dancers. We found a single table with two chairs that were fairly close to the stage. The room was considerably packed and male servers who were just as attractive as the dancers were working their way through the sea of tables. Mike and I had sat there looking around waiting for our server hearing the occasional few whistles directed at us which I had no interest in. Once our server made his way to us we order two bottles of vodka and drinking glasses to pace ourselves because we both could easily chug a bottle of vodka without any effort. It wasn't long till he came back with our order when the performance started.

I sat back in my seat watching as they danced around the stage and on the poles stripping down their uniforms until they were only wearing tight spandex underwear, I glanced over to Mike who had all his attention on the dancers, he was practically gushing at the sigh of them, which got their attention and they made their way off stage so I decided to quit using my glass and drink straight from the vodka I had ordered till it was empty. They danced around us giving us lap dances and whispering in our ears, I could care less I wasn't turned on at all, although I had fully intended to enjoy going out tonight I couldn't get Luke out of my head.

I wanted him, just to be around him. But I know he can't handle all the things that go on around me.

I sat there quietly looking down at my phone instead of the stripper on my lap seeing Luke's number glancing over to Michael watching as he stuffed money into a male strippers' underwear. "Geez Mike are you paying for a lap dance or something else," I say slurring the end of my words feeling a bit buzzed.
"There are private rooms for that." One of the dancers says seductively between the two of us trying to get more money from the two of us.

"Not interested, but you go ahead," I say looking up at the strippers shocked expression as he quickly stood up from me then down at my phone debating if I should call Luke although it was already 3 am and I was in no shape to drive. "Are you sure Ash?" Michael says standing up form his seat looking over at me "I guess it's the best time to use his words against him." I say sliding Michael the car keys standing up from my seat taking Michael's half-empty bottle watching as Michael was lead away by some stripper and walking towards an exit. "Sir you can't take that out of the building." A server calls as I stroll past him taking large drinks of the bottle and calling Luke's number. Once I was outside I stood by the main entrance listening to my phone ring as I tried to reach Luke. After another minute of waiting he answered the phone in a snappy tired voice.

"Why're you calling me?" He asks in a sleepy voice his words blending together. "I'm really really drunk Lu and I need you to pick me up," I say pushing my hair away from my face sighing holding the phone beside my ear. "Where's Mikey?" He asks in a quietly into the phone.
"He's getting laid and I can't wait around for him, s'please come get me," I say leaning against a large pillar pulling my jacket against me. "Where are you?" He asks a bit louder and I can hear his footsteps. "I'm at the only gay bar in Sydney, it's near the house I'll send you a direct location," I say and he agrees before hanging up the phone.

After waiting for a while longer Luke shows up, surprisingly driving my SUV that I had left parked at Michael's. "Get in its cold." He calls from the driver's seat as I walk around the front and get into the passenger seat closing the door and he pulls out of the parking lot. "How long have you been outside?" Luke questions reaching over, turning up the heat in the car. "Maybe an hour or so," I say looking at my jacket that was way too big for him, he must have found in the car.

"Why didn't you walk back inside and wait it's too cold to stand outside." He says sassily as he drove sitting forwards trying to see out of the window better. "I wouldn't have left you there." He says looking over at me sighing.
"You didn't even take time to change," I say pulling on the pink fabric that was draped on his thighs. "I didn't wanna make you wait." He says quietly as we pull into Michael's driveway. We both got out of the car and walked into the house taking off our shoes and jackets at the front door.
"Thanks," I say smiling at Luke who still had messy bed hair from being asleep before I had called waking him up. "You're welcome." He says looking up at me smiling still wearing my blue jean jacket then walking past me towards the living room. I didn't wait to follow behind him. "I wasn't lying when I said I liked you," I say leaning against the wall looking at Luke's small frame as my jacket hung off his shoulders down to his creamy white thighs. "But then you said that I shouldn't be around you," Luke says crossing his arms over his chest frowning his hands covered by the sleeves of my jacket.

"That's not because I don't want you around, I can't stop thinking about you," I say stepping in front of him looking down at him and sighing. "Make up your mind, I don't understand when you act as if you want me but you talk like you don't," Luke says putting his arms to his sides.

"I really want you," I mumble quietly against his ear tossing my jacket off of him slowly placing kisses down his jaw and neck than giving him dark love bites along his naked shoulders hearing him hum in satisfaction as he drapes his arms around my neck running his fingertips through the back of my hair. I easily picked him up allowing him to wrap his legs around my waist for support while placing kisses on his lips feeling him smiling. "Why do you try pushing me away?" Luke asks quietly looking back at me. "Because I like you and these things never work out for me," I say squeezing his waist remembering that he's only in sheer lingerie. "We can be different." He says in a quiet voice as I sit him down on the couch and continue kissing him. "I don't want you be around us because you'll get hurt you just don't understand that," I say kissing him once again before pulling away. "What do you mean us?" Luke asks scooting back away from me. "Me and all my friends you don't need to be brought into anything," I say watching as his expression drops and he looks away from me.
"Do you just say all those things so you can make out with me, do you think I'll just let you into my pants or something because I-I'm a virgin?" He asks in a serious voice standing up from the couch. "Why would you think that?" I ask clearly confused at his outburst. "Because you keep doing things and kissing me then you say that!" He yells and I shift noticing the uncomfortable tightness in my pants. "I wasn't just trying to screw you." I say watching as Luke rolls his eyes "I don't believe that, but don't worry you won't have to be bothered by me again Ashton." He says turning around going back upstairs.

-Authors note-
So I just finished 17black which is a Larry fanfic which I really love and I suggest to anyone who's into that ship it's on my profile in a reading list plus it inspired the idea of them going to the club. && I'm working on a new update schedule so I can hopefully publish more chapters while working on this book and a couple of others, follow, vote, comment, and dm me.

You make me weak .   lashtonWhere stories live. Discover now