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We walked up to the front of the house looking around. "What are you waiting for." Ashton says kicking the front door in completely taking off the knob.
We both pull our guns at the same time walking through the front of the house seeing a large blood trail going into the living room seeing someone laying in a blood puddle. "Where the fuck is he." Ashton asks taking his foot flipping her over seeing her tangled bloody hair and blacked eye. "I-I don't know." She says crying holding her shoulder where the blood was pouring from. "Yes you do now come on and tell me." Ashton says bent down looking at the gash along her eyebrow that had covered her face in blood. "He said he was gonna kill me." She says as tears run down her face. "Lucky for you He didn't even though it's clear he tried." Ashton says as I try figuring out where he is. "Who are you?" Ashton says pushing the hair out of her face trying to get a better look. "Jade Manakie, I worked the bar you shot up y-you left me there." She says as I pull my white T-shirt off tearing it and wrapping it around the bleeding wound on her arm. "Come on Ashton he isn't here and she needs some help." I say scooping her up in my arms tossing him the rest of my T-shirt. "This is his place right?" Ashton asks grabbing a bottle of tequila off the counter shoving the shirt in the alcohol. "Y-Yes it's his the money he put it in the kitchen under the cabinet." She says sinking against me in pain. "Thanks sweetheart." Ashton says in a smirky tone walking into the kitchen pulling out a huge duffle bag and lighting the end of the shirt. "Come on Ash." I say rushing him out the house hearing as the bottle smashed against the wall and set the living room in flames.

We quickly got out of the house and Ashton began putting bullets in the other cars windows and tires before getting the the back seat of the Jeep with Jade holding pressure on the bullet hole as we drove out of the area and towards the hospital. "I-I never wanted this." She says sniffling unable to see through her swollen eye. "We'll talk about that later." Ashton says rolling his eyes as we pull into the hospital. I grabbed a hoodie putting it on and quickly got out of the Jeep packing her inside the er. Nurses quickly came to help taking her straight into surgery. "We need go check on Luke hopefully he's awake." Ashton says leading me down the hall and upstairs. "Liz says he would be fine I'm really hoping she's right." Ashton says stopping at the door pushing it open seeing Luke's bed was empty and unmade like he had just vanished. "Fuck fuck fuck he's gone." Ashton says looking at the loose cords and the dead machines. "We need to fucking hurry." Ashton says hitting the nurses emergency button and going out the room running downstairs towards the nurses station. "Luke Hemmings he's gone where'd he go?!" Ashton says breathing heavy. "What's the room number." The nurse asks glancing up at Ashton who looks frantic. "403 what's it fucking matter he was just here he shouldn't be gone yet." He says holding onto the counter. "Says that he's still here are you sure he hasn't left his room to the cafeteria?" She asks sounding completely uninterested in what's happening. "No you fucking idiot he was unconscious when he was admitted because a head injury he isn't up! Where's Liz?" He says completely pissed at the nurses sitting behind a desk. "Sir you need to calm down, Ms. Hemmings is gone she left early this morning when her shift ended you need to leave."She says nonchalantly picking up the phone glaring at Ashton. "Fine fuck you you're so useless." Ashton says stomping off toward an exit. "We need to go Alec I need to find him." Ashton says as I follow him away from the nurses station.

"I need to stay here with her you take the Jeep and I'll try to get what I can while I'm here." I say handing him the keys. "He has him I know it Alec." Ashton says getting the keys sticking them in his pockets. "Get Mike he can help you get a location or something just don't go in blind." I say sternly hoping he doesn't do some stupid shit. "I'll get ahold of him and dad where is he?" Ashton says getting his phone scrolling through his contacts. "He was out working funeral arrangements for Noah and Liam, I haven't talked I him since this morning." I say hearing the nurse yell from down the hallway. "Okay you need to go hurry don't do anything stupid Ashton." I say walking the opposite direction towards the er where they had taken Jade seeing a nurse staining outside the door looking around. "Is anyone here with Jadalyn Manakie?" She was calling out waiting for an answer. "Me I'm here." I say walking up to her.
"She's gonna be out of a quick procedure, she's lucky the bullet didn't destroy any nerves or bone it was a bad graze she doesn't have to stay overnight or anything major." She says smiling at me leading me back through the er.
"Can you just give me an idea of what happened?" She asks as we walk passed closed doors. "I'm not sure I found her and she was crying for help so I brought her here and tried to stop the bleeding." I say showing her the specs of dried blood on my hands. "She was barely conscious when she got to us it's a good thing you did." She says leading me down the hall into an empty room. "She'll be in here for a while for a short recovery it won't be a long wait." She says leaving me in a small room with a sink and a cabinet. I pushed my sleeves up and covered my hands in soap washing all the dry blood from my hands getting a couple of paper towels and drying my hands sitting down in a cold wooden chair in the corner of the room.

I sat there for a few moments in silence for hearing my phone ring. I quickly answered sticking it up to my ear. "Hello?" I say pushing my hair back waiting for the other end to answer. "I-it's Luke I need help." He says his voice soft and muffled. "Luke! Shit where are you??" I ask trying not to raise my voice. "I'm in some hotel that's kinda far out of town, I don't know where it is I'll send you my location but I'm hiding in the bathroom with the door locked he just left and I'm scared I-i need Ashton." He says in a broken voice sending a location to my phone. "I'm going to call Ashton I'm gonna let him know he's already looking for you Lu so don't cry it's going be okay." I say quietly quickly sending a few messages to Ashton hoping he sees them quickly. "He's going to kill me Alec." He says crying quietly. "No no he won't Lu he won't I promise Ashton's gonna come get you." I say hearing a loud bang on the other side of the phone. "I gotta go he's coming." He says and I immediately hear the phone go silent.

-Authors note-

It's almost thanksgiving break sooo I'll be writing and read more due to my lack of planing if you have a book suggestion comment it and I have full intentions to read it. <3

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