mistakes were made.

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Ashton's pov.

After leaving the hospital I went back to Wills seeing that the front door was wide open which never happens, I quickly pulled in a got out of his Jeep walking inside. "Dad are you here?" I say loudly walking through the front room peering into the living room, it was completely silent. I continued through the house stopping at his study. The door was cracked open and the light was on. I pushed the door open not seeing anyone until I looked down. Will was laying on the floor with a few bullet holes in his head. Blood covered the floor it had looked as if it happened hours ago because there was no longer blood coming from his head and his lips had already began to turn a dark shade of blue. "Fuck, Will," I say feeling my stomach churn as I dropped to my knees looking down at the man who had been my only dad in my life who was now lying in front of me dead. "I-I can't fucking believe this," I scream gripping onto his gray shirt that was stained by dry blood. I sat there for a moment crying in pain wishing I could have done something before it was too late knowing that it was Jace who had done it. He will be the one to pay for it, and he will regret ever taking my family. I squeezed his hand tightly before standing back up walking back to my car getting my phone seeing messages sent from Alec.

He has Luke, he isn't safe
Hurry Ashton this shits serious
Current known location

I couldn't believe all the shit that had begun to fall apart in a short amount of time. I knew Alec had no clue about Will because he was still at the hospital. There wasn't anything I could do to help Will he had been dead for hours before I had gotten to him and now I had to go save my boyfriend and kill my bastard brother.

I'm going now,
Go to my apartment after Jades able I don't want you at dads alone.

After I locked the front door hoping that Alec and Lauren wouldn't be able to get into the house I sent the message and got back into Wills Jeep and drove as quick as I could to the location that Alec had given me. My heart was shattered I couldn't get the thought of Luke being hurt out of my head or the fact that my dad was lying dead in his house or that my brother was completely unaware of it. I quickly turned curves until I was on the edge of town where Jace was keeping Luke. It was an old shitty hotel that no one would ever think twice about stopping at. As soon as I pulled into the driveway I grabbed my gun and pushed my door open seeing Luke walking out of the hotel. "Ash I-I'm okay!" He yells leaning against the stair railing trying to quickest to get to me.

"Luke's I'm so fucking sorry," I say pulling him tightly against my chest seeing the dried blood specs on his face and on his wrinkled dress. I was relieved to see him standing in front of me completely unharmed, glad that he was the one coming out of the hotel. After he explained what had happened I let my anger boil over I tried my best to be civil around Luke but now that I know everything that has happened I couldn't. And as much as I wished I could have done what he asked I wouldn't turn around and leave him alive. I walked past Luke and up the stairs into the same hotel room I had just watched him walk out of.
I quickly pushed the door open seeing Jace who was leaning against the wall barely able to stand up. "Long time no see." He says looking up at me. "There's not much to see," I say holding my gun up aiming between his eyes. "So it appears." He says getting a cigarette out of his pocket lighting it attempting to make light of the situation although he was fully aware that I wouldn't leave him standing. "Why'd you do it? What makes you think to come back into our lives and try fucking with it?" I ask watching as he took puffs on his cigarette. "I want you all dead after everything that had happened I found my real dad he took me in, he make me understand that you were all shitty people and you were never really there for me." He ways putting his cigarette out on the wall dropping the butt on the floor. "He obviously made you fucking delusional, the only people who ever cared about you are mostly dead now and it's because of you," I say absolutely pissed pointing the gun at his guts and pulling the trigger. "I hate doing this because you were my brother but you've really gone too far and I can't forgive you," I say watching him hold his stomach seeing the orange color of his hood soak in dark red blood.

"I expected this, and I was wrong that boyfriend of yours really has a way of seeing things he really made me change my way of thinking." He says before he begins choking on his own blood collapsing to the floor. "I know he has a weird way of doing that," I say pulling the trigger again watching as another bullet goes through his head before walking back outside the hotel room seeing Luke sitting on the pavement crying. I quickly walked down the stairs picking him up holding him against me wiping the tears off his face which are quickly replaced by new ones.
"Y-you didn't have to kill him." He says hugging me tightly laying his face in my shoulder. "Yes I did Luke he was gonna kill all of us, you, me, Alec anyone he could and I can't he already took my dad and best friends I'm not losing anyone else," I say packing him to the Jeep sitting him the passenger side. "B-But he knows better know w-we talked and he understood why he was wrong," Luke said laying his face against the cold glass window making it steam up every time he would talk. "I know but that doesn't change what he's done."
I say looking at my phone seeing the messages Alec has left me.

Why is has something happened at the house?
Ashton what's happening I'm leavening the hospital in a cab now.

I decided not to answer his message and drive back to my apartment seeing the lights on.
I helped Luke out of the car and packed him upstairs closing the door behind me sitting Luke down on the couch. "Ashton fuck thank god you're home!" Alec says walking out of my bathroom where the shower was running. "He's dead," I say flatly sighing.
"Is he okay?" Alec says looking over at Luke who's already fell asleep on the couch. "He shot him actually, but couldn't kill him and he somehow made him realize he was wrong and after he did he begged me not to kill him but I did," I say looking over at Luke who's curled up on the couch. "Well, what about you?" He asks rubbing his hands together hearing the shower turn off. "I'm fine but I really h-hate to tell you that d-dads dead," I say my voice breaking feeling my chest ache. "Wait I don't understand W-why didn't you tell me sooner." He says and tears begin streaming down his face. "I didn't want to text you and tell you and I didn't want you to be alone and see him," I say quietly as jade walks out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her.
"So he's just l-laying there dead," Alec says sounding broken. "Yes, I had to go after Luke as soon as I found him," I say seeing her standing behind us holding her towel tightly against herself.
"We need to do something about it now Jade and Luke can stay here together." He says turning around looking at Jade. "Fine let's go, clothes are upstairs in the closet and dresser," I say pointing to my bedroom door. "Uh thanks, w-where are you going?" She asks walking over to the stairs.
"My dad's we'll be back soon and if he wakes up tell him where we went," Alec says pointing at Luke as she walked up the stairs nodding her head and we leave the apartment.

-authors note-

I'm updating early because tomorrows sunday and I'd probably forget. I'm working towards the end of the book, but theres still a lot left.

You make me weak .   lashtonWhere stories live. Discover now