Fall break

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After going into Ashton's apartment I sat my bag down in the living room walking over to the kitchen with Ashton. "Let's make dinner, Lauren went shopping the other day and picked up a bunch of things because we always have a big dinner fall dinner since we don't really get together on thanksgiving because Michael and Mack leave out of town." Ashton says smiling walking over to the refrigerator opening the doors. "Well who are you wanting to come over at eat." I ask walking into the kitchen with him. "My sister, her girlfriend, Will, Mike, and Alec." Ashton says getting out a bunch of things from the refrigerator closing the doors back. "Good thing you have a big dining table, what are we making." I say cheerily walking over to him looking at everything he has pulled out. "We're going to make homemade alfredo, roles, salads, a cherry pie and two bottles of wine." Ashton says getting out all the utensils that were going to need to cook with. "I can't believe I get to be apart of this." I say kissing Ashton taking a skillet putting it on the stove to start cooking chicken. "I guess that makes you lucky doesn't it." He says getting a huge bowl and begins filling it with flour mix to make doe. "This is gonna be a lot of food since we're cooking for 7 people." I say watching as he covered the counter in flour and began to role and knead doe for the pasta and a separate mix for pie.

"It is a lot, Mack even brings desserts that she makes herself." Ashton says running the pasta doe through a press cutting them into noodles before putting them into the pot of boiling water on the stove and turning on the oven to preheat. "So when did you start doing a fall dinner?" I ask helping him make a pie filling and putting on the top. "When we were in middle school my mom loved to cook for us anyhow so she insisted we had dinners together." Ashton says putting bread and pie into the oven dusting the flour off of his hands and getting a chopping board and handing it to me. "We didn't really do big dinners we occasionally do now when moms off work and my brothers aren't at practice." I say taking the board and a knife and starting to cut up vegetables and chicken while Ashton began to make alfredo sauce. "Will doesn't really cook so I picked up on it." Ashton says finishing up the pasta putting it into s serving bowl and getting the bread and pie from the oven. "I think it's amazing." I say helping Ashton get plates, bowls, silverware, wineglasses, and napkins to set the table with.

After we finish setting the table we placed all the food in the center and cleaned up the mess in the kitchen, soon after everyone had showed up. "Ash where do you want these?" Mack asks walking in the door holding a tray of pumpkin spice cookies followed by everyone else. "In the kitchen on the counter with the pie." Ashton says helping Lauren with the pan of dessert she was carrying. "Everyone can just take a seat." Ashton says walking back from the kitchen into the dining sitting at the end of the table beside me and Michael. After sitting down we all began passing the food around filling our plates.
"So are you Ashton's new live in girlfriend or something?" Alec says sitting next to me filling our glasses with wine making me roll my eyes. "Yeah totally." I say sarcastically watching Ashton glare at Alec. "He's has a family he isn't moving in with me." Ashton says flatly "It was a harmless question." Alec says passing the wine to Mack across the table. "I mean it would be better than you being here alone." Will says eating his food. "To be fair I'm not the best housewife." I say looking over at Ashton, I wouldn't blame him for not wanting me to move in even if I could. "Don't worry about that Lukey Ashton is the perfect housewife, I mean he did insist on living alone after Anne passed." Alec says drinking his wine obviously annoying Will and Ashton both with his comment.
Instead of reacting to it Michael was quick to change the conversation. "Were still going to that party right?" Michael says looking up from his plate. "Yeah Mike." Ashton says shaking his head. "A party where? I haven't been to a good high school party in a while." Alec says finishing the salad in his bowl. "It's a bonfire at the cabins out on the end of town not sure who's throwing it." Mack says getting a glare from Ashton who probably had no intentions to mention it to Alec.

"Sounds like we're all going to raise hell together." Alec says smirking pouring more wine into his glass. "Well Luke's gonna be with us, he was the one who was invited in the first place." Mack says elbowing her brother. "He'll be fine he can party with us!" Alec says wiping his hands on his napkin. "Well since we're all going we might as well do what we do best."Michael says shrugging eating on of the cookies he had already stole from the kitchen.
"Agreed." Ashton says sighing picking up the empty dishes off the table and packing them to the sink. "You're gonna enjoy this." Alec says smiling at me as I get up from my chair taking the empty wine glasses helping Ashton. "I'll get the saucers." Lauren says grabbing a stack from the dish shelf sitting them on the counter while Ashton cut up the pie. "Just don't do anything stupid, I don't wanna have to get you from a prison for a DUI." Will says taking a plate from Lauren. "Don't worry dad we won't get caught even if we are." Alec says digging into his pie sitting on the edge of Ashton's island.

After everyone finished eating bad all the food was gone Ashton a I stayed up cleaning the kitchen and dining room putting everything back up.

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