Other plans

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Luke's pov.

I followed Ashton upstairs into his room where he shut the door quietly behind us before letting go of my hand. "Why do you want to do this?" He asks looking at me confused. "Because he hurt you and it kills me to see you like this," I say shifting uncomfortably in the same clothes I had wore to Wills funeral. "I get that you wanna be all heroic for me but don't I don't wanna get you hurt," Ashton says holding onto my hands. "I've already been hurt and I'm okay!" I say frustrated that he doesn't want my help. "You're okay now but who's to know what will happen," Ashton says gently kissing me trying to calm me down. "I promise I'll be okay I won't let him hurt me I'll come back to you just trust me," I say looking up at Ashton's smooth tan skin and perfect hazel eyes.

"And it's because you keep coming back to me that you keep getting hurt! I told you from the moment we met that I wasn't good for you!" Ashton yells letting go of my hands. "And I didn't care I still don't so can you please stop worrying that I'll leave when things get bad." I say staying calm watching as Ashton took a seat on the end of his bed "I'm not worried that you'll leave me I'm worried you'll die because you want to stay with me." Ashton says as I stand between his legs looking down at him pushing his curly honey blonde hair off of his forehead. "I won't Ash," I say kissing him letting him pull me against his chest. "And if I let you do this you better come back to me and you better not get hurt because I couldn't live with myself if you didn't," Ashton says as I lay my head against him. "I'll be okay," I say listening to his soft breathing. "Fine let's get all of this over with." He says standing up walking towards his closet pulling down hangers throwing clothes on the bed. "Go ahead and change you don't wanna wear that." He says as I unzip my tight pencil skirt letting it drop to the floor followed by my dress shirt picking up his tan hoodie putting it on along with a pair of my jeans cuffing the bottoms. "I hope you know what you've asked for," Ashton says quietly as we both walk back downstairs into the kitchen seeing everyone in the same place they were before.

"I take it that you got your way blondie," Harry says as I hand Jade a set of pants and a long sleeve to change into before I put on my black doc martens. "Yes, I did," I say rolling my eyes tying my boots. "I guess you're a little solider." He says laughing watching as I tie my hair up into a tight ponytail and Jade comes back for the bathroom fully changed. "You'll see," I say as Ashton loads a handgun and hides it in the back of my waistband covering it with his hoodie.

After the both of us have fully loaded guns we all go downstairs and get into Ashton's SUV driving to the location Michael had given us. It was a huge house sitting on the edge of town which must have been a trap at one point. Once both of us get out of the vehicle we walk up to the front door and Jade pushing it open stepping inside. "Aaron you here it's Jade." She calls as we walk through the front room into the living. "I brought my friend Olivia with me she was my ride." She says looking over to me as we both step around the corner seeing a few guys sitting around together.

"Where've you been?" Aaron asks sitting his phone down on the glass coffee table in front of him as the other guys leave the room. "I was out and I ran into my friend she let me stay for a few days." She says nonchalantly gesturing over to me. Once he shifted his eyes over to me I could feel my stomach flip. This guy hurt the only people who really care about me and he's sitting here as nothing has happened. "What'd you say your friend's name was?" He asks looking directly at me. "Olivia," I say softly tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. "You look pretty young do you have a job?" He asks almost as if he's trying to get me to run his trap, he's still not breaking eye contact with me. "No, I can't work go to school full time," I say wishing all the attention wasn't on me because it makes me physically sick. "Why'd you come by?" Aaron asks looking over at Jade. "Oh, I was just checking in wondering if maybe you'd heard from Jace." She says making my blood boil just saying his name as I place my hand into my back pocket feeling the cold metal of the gun press into my back.

"Funny you'd ask I was wondering the same thing." He says standing up from the couch looking between the two of us. "I've tried calling him but nothings going through." She says lying so well it sounds like she's having a normal conversation. "Oh wait I think I know why." He says pulling his gun from his waist pointing it at Jade. "W-wait what are you doing?" She asks throwing her hands in front of her body in defense. "I know that my sons dead! I know that my house was burnt down by his bastard brothers and I know you're pregnant." He says aiming the gun down at her stomach. I stood there watching as she turned pale and broke into tears. "N-no don't please it's his baby." She says her voice breaking as she holds her stomach. "He didn't want a baby! You were just some whore he was using!" He eyes as he shoots a couple of bullets at her and she drops to the floor on her knees as I pull out my gun pulling the trigger watching as bullets shatter the glass coffee table and shoot through him going into the large picture window hearing him groan and Jade cry in pain. I watched as blood leaked onto the floor and puddled around him before I sent another bullet into his head tucking the gun back into my pants and pulling Jade off of the floor and out the front door seeing Ashton's car parked out front.

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