Chapter 20

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Melissa's POV

When we arrived home the girls had afternoon tea as did Chris and I, we all sat in the living room for a good 10 minutes before I went into the office, where Chris put my desk in so I could do my work, while the girls claimed they didn't have any homework we allowed them to watch TV.

Dinner time came around, Chris came in and got me, thankfully because I wouldn't have come out, from working and looking through all the assignments and worksheets so I knew what to go from with what my assistant showed me today.

"Babe, stop working, for now, you don't want to wear your self out the first day on the job," Chris told me as he hugged my shoulders looking down at my desk. "Umm I know there is just so much to do, and it's so different from the other school" I explained "I know, but they said that you can take your time, and make your own questions," Chris told me. " yes, within reason, and with the curriculum" I told him. "Ok well come have dinner and then come to bed with me, please" Chris said smiling kissing me neck, making me giggle. "Ok, fine," I said, smiling as I marked the book that I was on a closed it, as well as the notebook, and papers I was looking at.

I walked out to see the girls waiting patiently at the table already dressed in their PJ's. "Girls you can start eating," I said as I walked to get my self a drink. I sit down and we all talk about our day, and how it was for Elissa talking about her first day at St. Clairs as well as my first-day teaching at St. Clair's middle and senior school. "So girls, I'm driving to school tomorrow and will let the teacher know that you can walk up to the senior school so I can drive you home since Chris is working at the ice cream cafe" Melissa explained. "Ok," they all said as they ate their dinner.

"So how was your day?" Chris asked Me. "It was good, a lot of bright students, but I can tell some are doing it, because they thought it would be fun, but I'm preparing my seniors for college and I can already tell that some are just wanting to do it with the money" I explained "But all the students are lovely, though I haven't met the teachers so we will see by the end of the week." I continued to explain as Chris rubbed my back, Making me smile.

Once dinner finished Chris put the kids to bed so I could finish up what I started while Chris was making dinner, Chris cleaned as well and once he finished he came into getting me, helping me clean up so we could go upstairs, even though I was tired I could really use some of him right now.

We walked to our room, "Lets take a shower" he said smirking as he pulled me into the bathroom. "Um before we do this remember Blake and Hanna are coming over tomorrow again since well he canceled" I said. I know which is why while the girls and you are at school I'm going to be cleaning the house" Chris told me smiling. "Good now let's take a shower," I said pulling him in with me taking off my clothes and his. After our eventful and seductive shower, we both head to bed in each other's arms, sleeping soundly.

Authors POV

Morning broke and the girls were still not in the morning routine making Melissa feel stressed which Chris saw so he told her to head to work and he would drop the girls off letting the teacher know that they were to walk up to the senior school reception so they were able to sit in Melissa's office until it was hone time for her.

Melissa walked into her office setting her things down and turning on her computer getting everything ready for the day, she decided that she would start to set up her classroom with different pictures and quotes that she had printed out but didn't bring yesterday since she knew she was going to be busy.

There was know at the door as she was setting the classroom up. "Miss Benoist" the voice called "Oh Asher come in, so what can I do for you?" She asked him. "Well.. um, soo.." He started "Asher, the school day hasn't started yet, and I believe that when that bell has not rung for school to begin or when the bell rings for school to be over I am not a teacher, so I just Melissa" Melissa explained "Um ok. So I am in and out of school for medical problems, but I really want to do drama because I love it, ao I was wondering if there is anything you can do to help me" he Told Melissa. She sat at the edge of her desk, looking at him. "I can do something for you, give you all the materials you need and time for practical assignments, also I know so many people that have been and are in your shoes, and they have gone on to do great things, so I'm here and I can definitely help you out when you need it, thank you for telling me" Melissa said to Asher. "Thank you" Asher replied "By the way, you don't look like your average drama slash performing arts teacher," He told her "Thank you, Asher, see you in the 3rd period," Melissa said smiling

The day went by smoothly for Melissa, getting halfway through setting her classroom up and been able to get all the worksheets out to her students, as well as their second assignment getting all her students to write how their idols were in class, as well as write a review about a book they have read or are reading the good and bad point criticising as well as making the book out to be the best book, they have read so they can understand what it would be like if they got criticised from a book they wrote to a TV show or Movie they started in or a song they sang, produced etc.

The girls had a great day to Elissa became more comfortable and played softball with the boys and found a few girls that like to dance to, but she still stuck near Emma and Eliza, more for comfort. Because Chris was also writer she was getting a lot of attention been Emma and Eliza's 'new sister' for their dad's book and the cafe he owns. Most of the kids in their year go to. She still was very quiet but did extremely well in class with working silently, but when spoke to and asked questions she would answer.

That afternoon the girls finished school and went up to the senior school reception and were taken to Melissa where she was just finishing up when the girls walked in. Melissa was able to get everything done with having three free periods throughout the day, so they were able to head home and get ready for Blake and Hanna to come over. Chris had told the girls before they went to school, while Melissa headed off to work so they knew and didn't come home to big news and threw a fit.

When they got home the girls went to do their homework while Melissa was met with Chris helping her with the bags she had with all her work she had to do. "How was your day?" He asked her. "Umm better then yesterday, but I have so much stuff to do" Melissa complained making Chris laugh. "You do that, I'll help the girls with their homework and get them ready" Chris told Melissa giving her a kiss. "umm, what happened" Melissa asked Chris "Nothing, now go do what you need to do and I'll get you before they arrive" Chris told Melissa, she nodded smiling "Thank you, love you" she told him as she went into the office. "I'll bring you something when I have the girls settled," Chris explained nodding. 

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