Chapter 37

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Hey guys enjoy this new chapter, this is two parts and I hate to say it but you won't be getting P.2 till Tuesday :) hahahahh 

Melissa's POV 

I can't believe I'm 32 today. I had Elissa when I was 23 and will be having three more kids, 10 years later at 32.

Chris and I woke up to no girls waking us up just Farley and our newest addition drift, I groan not only because they have jumped on our bed but also because I need to pee, really bad it's like that are all sitting on my bladder.

I get out of bed to see Chris still sleeping with the sheets twisted just around his waist since I was laying on his chest. I grab his shirt and put it over me so I can go and put some actual clothes on and cook breakfast for well me and my peanuts. As I was making my self eggs and bacon with again salt and vinegar chips Chris came out, wrapping his arms around me. "Morning beautiful," he said kissing my neck. "morning" I reply turning around giving him a kiss "You know our daughters come home in two hours for your birthday brunch in the park with the family, we still have time for another round," he tells me. I shake my head, as I plate up what I think is a delicious meal. "Sorry, I'm really Hungary for some reason," I say as I take a bite making him gag. I chuckle. "Really, how long are you going to be in the adding salt and vinegar chips phase?" He asks me I shrug my shoulders "Only when I am around you" I reply smirking. He grabs himself something breakfast and sat down with me, so we could enjoy, the silence we have left before three girls come through the door. "You know I hope we do have a boy or two, I love that you want three more girls but honestly I don't think I'll be able to handle it," I say chuckle, he nods his head agreeing with me.


The girls came running through the door since their girls were at Chris mums they were going to come with us to the cafe where we were going to have my birthday brunch.

"Happy birthday mummy," they said running up to me. "Hey baby girls, Thank you" I replied with a kiss for each of them. "Hi, Mrs Wood," I say giving her a hug. "Hi Melissa, happy birthday" she replied returning the hug. "Mum and dad should be here very soon," I tell her she nods, as we sit down on the couch while the girls are in their room. "So did you enjoy last night with no kids?" She asked, "It was great, we were able to watch a movie," I told her while Chris blush and his mum just nodded smirking.

"Mummy we have something for you," the girls said coming out of their room running. "They wanted to make something for you," Chris mum said, I nodded and focused on the girls. They showed me what they had made, a photo frame "Chris had to send me photos of you and him as well as with the girl so they wanted to make you a large photo frame." She told us "we even put on of the triplets," Elissa told me making me cry a photo from our last ultrasound. "And there is one of when you and daddy get engaged and married," Eliza told us. "Oh wow, this is amazing girls thank you," I told me smiling giving them each a kiss.

Chris's POV

The ring finally arrived I asked for it to be sent to my cafe so Melissa wouldn't get suspicious, I wanted to do it today because well it's her birthday but I also didn't want her to think that I was doing it because she was pregnant I want her to know that it's because I love her, and I want to also do it by asking Elissa to join the family by giving her a necklace, which Melissa and I had talked about by giving each of the girls a necklace to now that we are all one family, so with a tiny Dimond and I mean not even one carrot, I decided that it would be nice to give the girls the exact same necklace. Silver of course once her family came around we went to the park with Farley and drift with a basket of food, while Libby and her husband set up a nice area with some balloons, and a cake for Melissa.


The girls and boys played on the playground while all us adults chatted as well as discussed what the women craved while they were pregnant with their children, or with us. I ask Melissa to go get the girls so I could tell everyone the plan of proposing to Melissa. "so I am going to make a speech up about her birthday and how I love her, and how great our family we have become and how to have three lovely new additions coming into our family." I tell both of our family. They smile asking if they could see the ring I shook my head wanting it to be a surprise for all of them.

Melissa's POV

Chris asked if I could go get the girls so we could start having food Since they had been playing on the playground for a while. I walked over there and watched them for a while playing on the monkey bars. "hey guys do you want to come back so we can have some food and cake." I asked them they all nodded and bitterly jumped off the bars into the sand and ran back to where we were sitting while I walked slowly. Chris stood up and walked to me giving me a kiss. Holding my hand as we walk back.

"So before we begin I just want to say, Happy Birthday babe," he said giving me a kiss. I thought he was going to propose by the start of the speech for my birthday and in front of the family, if he proposed to me on my birthday It would make it the best birthday ever, I don't even care if he proposes to me just because I'm pregnant, because I love him, and I would of asked him if I wasn't pregnant, I mean we are doing everything basically the other way around, move in together after what 6 three or four months into of dating, and making it official two or three weeks later, and becoming pregnant 6 or 7 months into dating, I honestly don't know how long we have been together and I don't care I really just want to marry him. 

There you have it sorry but I literally can't update till Tuesday because I am so..... busy :) 

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