Back to Daegu

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~Three months later~

Yoongi was helping you pack. The both of you agreed to go visit your parents. You and Yoongi had a break so that was a perfect opportunity to visit your parents. "What about these, babe?" Yoongi held up your panties. "Hey, hey, hey! Didn't I tell you to leave my personal belongings alone?" you asked. You tried to snatch it back, but he pulled his arm away. "Oh come on, I've seen you naked many times," he said. "That's when we were younger! Our bodies have developed," you replied. "You mean my body developed, I see no development from you," he joked. You gave him a disbelief look. After a few attempts, you were able to get it back. "I won't be bringing these along because you decided not to listen to me," you threw them behind you. "Hey, don't be like that. Child or not, I still saw you naked," he said. You blushed, "Stop mentioning it already," you pushed him aside.

~The next day~

It took around three hours to arrive at Daegu. But, you finally made it. You were super excited to meet with your parents that you forgot to take in your own suitcase. You knocked on the door, and patiently waited for your parents to open up. After a few seconds, the door swung open. "Are my eyes deceiving me? Has our famous daughter come to see us?" your dad asked. "You're finally home! I've been waiting for so long for you to come back. I thought you forgot about us!" your mom jumped on you. "Of course I wouldn't forget about you guys! You're my family. It's just been busy... the last few years," you said. They stared at you, and then they looked over your shoulder. "Hey, babe. Thanks so much for helping with the suitcases," Yoongi shouted. You turned to see him carrying both suitcases. "I'm so sorry! I forgot," you went over to help him. When you got the suitcase in, your parents surrounded you. "'Babe,' huh? Since when did the two of you start dating?" your mom asked. They were getting awfully close to you. "What...? Didn't you hear about the news that Yoongi went missing some... years ago...?" their expression already gave you your answer. "What, he went missing some years ago? This is news to me!" your parents turned to look at Yoongi. He smiled awkwardly, and waved. "Also, what happened to your neck, and arm?" your mom asked. "Oh this?" you placed your hand over your neck. "It's a long story, I can tell you later," you replied. "What's with all the storytelling? All we know is that you're an idol," your dad pointed at Yoongi. "And you're an idol," he pointed at you. "I guess we need to catch you up," you smiled. "You guys can get unpacked in your room, sweetheart. Then you can tell us all about it," your mom said, "Oh, that's right! If you're here, then we should inform your family." Yoongi smiled, and nodded.

Then you and Yoongi headed to your room. It's been emptied for some time now. When you walked in, memories rushed by. "Hah, you still have your walls painted baby blue. How cute, it reminds me how you were such a tomboy back then," he chuckled at the memory. You placed down your bag, and look around. This brought a lot of memories. "Do you remember how you and I used to jump on my bed? We would pretend that we were flying. Then one day, you flung me off the bed," you chuckled. "Oh, yeah! I went to aid you, but you sat up and said 'I'll be fine, this is nothing compared to my tree climbing,'" he laughed at the memory. "You were such a cute tomboy," he smiled. "Hey, I'm still a tomboy. Do you see all these scars?" you asked. His smile faded, he didn't want to be reminded of that memory. You looked around, and noticed something. Then you went over to the desk. "Look Yoongi, it's our old lyrics," you picked them up. He went over to you, and looked over your shoulder. "This was your handwriting back then. It was so bad!" you giggled. "Hey, I bet my handwriting was better than your's, Miss Knight!" Yoongi said. "Your handwriting might be bad, but it's so cute! I think I might just save this, and show it to ARMY," you joked. "Don't you dare," he said. As you and Yoongi waited for his family, you relived memory after memory. Your room was like a treasure chest, and you need to find the treasure; in this case, the treasure was memories.

~After a while~

His parents arrived, and you sat down to talk to them. When they heard about Mimi coming back to take Yoongi, they were disappointed. "That girl was no good from the beginning. Sure she acted innocent, but she never fooled me!" Jun-ki (Yoongi's older brother) said. "Yoongi was in love with Y/N ever since they were young. I don't know why he kept choosing Mimi over her," Yoongi's mom said. You explained the rest of the story. Of course, there was a happy and sad ending. When they heard Mimi would no longer come in between you and Yoongi, they were happy. But when they heard a dear friend lost her life, they tried to cheer you up. Then they were off doing their own thing. It was like a family reunion for all of you. You and Yoongi found a old photo album. Then you guys started looking through it. You stumbled upon an old Halloween photo. "Look, that's you. You're dressed as the prince," you used your finger to point him out. "And then there's you, wearing a knight outfit," he pointed you out. In between both of your fingers was Mimi's face. "Should we grab a red sharpie and cross her face out?" he asked. You chuckled, "Even though that would be nice, she looked cuter back than then she does now." "I'm pretty sure you're the cutest," he said. You nudged him, "Stop that, you're making me blush." As you continued to look back, you also went to the time that you were devastated after his sudden disappearance. "I know you know this... but I was really sad when you left me. You just upped and left," you said. He looked at you, "Hey, that's in the past now. Let's forget about it. I'm here with you now." "I'm also happy all that stuff with Mimi ended. I don't know what would have happened if it didn't," you said. "All bad things always come to an end," Yoongi pulled you into an embrace. "Let's live in the moment," he said. "Awe, they're all grown up!" you looked over to see your mom and Yoongi's mom. "Mom~~," you and Yoongi whined. "Sorry, sorry, continue," they waved and left. Soon they peeked around the corner; the both of you could only smile.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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