Chapter 13: One Step Away

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The big and beautiful manor felt empty without the goofy princess. It has been three days since Jisoo and Jennie went missing. It made everyone miserable and dying in worry especially lola granny. Also, no one has heard from Sachzna and Teagan, the princess' parents, since the confession.

The prince decided to stay at the mansion until Jisoo comes back, safe and sound. He was busy going back and forth to the station for updates and to know if the agents have finalized their plan. However, this was not the only thing that's stressing him out. These past few days, reporters were following him everywhere since speculations and gossips about Jisoo's disappearance spread throughout the entire country. Some assumed that the princess ran away because she didn't want to get married. Some were asserting that they've seen her fooling with another guy. And some believed that she caught an incurable sickness that's why she went away to try and find a cure. Taehyung finds the rumors ridiculous but sadly, the king didn't allow him to make any statement. In addition to that, since there's reward money of fifty million won to whoever can locate the princess, nonstop tips and calls were flooding in from people that were just after the fortune.

On the other hand, the agents had finally decided to execute their plan. Rosé will be joining Mr. Yang's group. Of course, they will begin by doing what they do best and that was spying. Calling the prince, agent Limario informed him about the scheme. The prince insisted that he will go with them even though that was not allowed and not safe for him.

Taehyung decided to be hands-on with the case when he was notified that the chief has been acting weird. Jungkook also informed him that it's unusual for chief Jimin to delay his vacation and to top it all, he's been staying inside his office all day which he never did before.

Park Chaeyoung finished her transformation. Her hairstyle was changed and prosthetic makeup covered her face. It was done to ensure her safety because for sure Mr. Yang will remember the face of the person who shot him.

Limario, Taehyung, and Jungkook were patiently waiting outside the salon clinic that Jungkook's friend owned.

Wooah~, The three said in unison upon seeing the transformed agent.

From strawberry blonde hair, she's now a red-head and she has a nose prosthetic and eyebrows enhancer which looked so real.

Wow~ Chaengie, you look fantastic!” Limario exclaimed in awe, feeling proud of her sister.

“Well, thank you. Joy is the best so let’s get this job done. Come on!” Chaeng excitedly tugged her arms around Lisa and Jungkook, pulling them towards the car while Taehyung's following them from behind.

They drove for an hour until they arrived at their destination. Limario handed the fake I.D and a small earpiece to her partner.

Remember, you can hear us and vice versa, but you cannot talk to us unless it’s important. Be safe sister and let’s get ‘em! Good luck. Limario reminded. Rosé nodded in response then they fist-bumped.

“The best agent Chae in action! Jungkook cheered then gave her thumbs up.

They dropped the now red-head agent one street away from the exact location for safety and parked the car on the side street near the docks.

The red-head started walking. She's used to going undercover so she's not nervous anymore and besides, she knew her sister will be around, saving her ass if something goes wrong.

Agent Chaeyoung arrived at an abandoned warehouse, but she can still see the undercover van, which was painted in black and pink color with a machinery logo, from afar. As she entered the docks, three guys approached her, holding her arms, and started searching her body for any weapons, tracker, and whatnot.

Are you Mina? The recent recruit?” The tall guy with a mustache questioned. Chaeyoung didn't talk, but she nodded her head.

Here, sir.” The other guy handed him the fake I.D that he found from the girl's pocket. And then the mustache guy signaled her to follow him.

Boss Yang, Mina has arrived. She’s the one Jimin recommended.” The guy introduced, bowing his head.

Yes, that's right, they came up with the plan to replace Mina. They left a small earpiece under Jimin's table when he went to the bathroom. Little did he know, they were able to hear his plans and record his conversation with the fat man.

Limario talked to the real Mina about the matter and luckily, she gladly cooperated since they found out that Jimin forced and threatened her that he will make her life miserable, or worst kill her if she didn't follow orders.

Now she's staying hidden at the mansion, waiting for them to come back with the hope that it will be a successful rescue mission.

You are not allowed to go out and you will be assigned to take care of two ladies. Be sure that they will not escape or I will kill you.” Mr. Yang threatened. Chaeng just nodded trying to suppress her smile. She's glad that they were right and was near to rescuing the princess and Jennie.

Chaeng, look around you. I need the number of how many people are there. Accurate statistics if you can. Be safe, sister.” Limario commanded through the earpiece.

Mr. Yang, nice to finally meet you. But please excuse me, I need to go to the bathroom real quick.” Chaeng excused while motioning that her stomach was aching.

Okay. Kai, show her the bathroom.” Mr. Yang called the mustache guy then they walked away.

Chaeng explored the place. She's using her eyes, trying to be casual so they will not get suspicious. She started counting just the people who were inside the warehouse.





‘Oh shit~’ There were so many people inside the warehouse. Those upstairs and outside the warehouse were still not included.

“This is the bathroom.” Kai pointed at the brown door. “Be quick or I will break the door. I don’t trust you yet.”

Yes, I understand. Thank you. I will just have to release the food I ate earlier hahaha, Chaeng laughed to uplift the mood that made Kai smirk because of the girl's nasty honesty.

Agent Park entered the bathroom, closing the door behind her. Then she started singing a newly composed song that will give hint to her partner. “I was nineteen when you enter my life. I love you, but I don’t know above and beyond...”

Kai was listening outside the door but got distracted by the angelic voice of the agent so he wasn't able to decipher the true meaning of the song.

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