Chapter 18: Fail?

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Darkness consumed the sky. The moon had finally come out, not as bright as it used to be since clouds were stealing its spotlight, but at least it's there still shedding some light. The most awaited, nerve-racking moment has arrived. Everyone was on standby, ready to take orders. Sliding the van's door, “It’s showtime.” Commander Limario announced. She and Momo moved stealthily like ninjas toward the front gate, hiding on anything that can cover their bodies so the guards won't notice them. Stopping on both sides of the entrance, they scanned the area to check if there were other people aside from the two gatekeepers.

Signaling to one another when they were sure that there's no one else, they proceeded. Quietly sneaking behind each guard, who was busy talking about dinner, they knocked them down in a swift manner. Their death-defying training and exercises before were once again been put to good use.

Dragging the unconscious men behind the bushes, they tied their hands, feet, and bind their mouths. The blonde nodded at Momo before she entered the gate. Staying in the darkest area so no one will discover her existence as she wandered around, looking for an entry to the warehouse building. The night vision was a huge help since although it was dark, she was able to catch sight of a broken window that will fit her body. “Change of plan.” The original plan was to enter through the stockroom window, the fifth window from the right, but somehow, wooden planks were now nailed on it. And aside from the broken window, there's no available passage anymore. The other windows were either covered with planks, too small for her size, or just dangerous for her porcelain skin. The door was wide open, however, she can't use that as her way in-- that's suicide. Chaeng, ninth window still from the right. It’s a tiny bathroom that has a broken bathtub. Tap your earpiece so I can know how many rooms are there from here to your location.After few minutes, she started hearing a tapping sound.

*tap tap tap tap tap tap*

Limario counted until she heard nothing more. Smoothly sliding her body down the window, she landed on the dirty broken bathtub. A nasty-smelling curtain came to view, but it was not something that ick her. She was about to slide it away from her face when the door suddenly swung open, making her squat down. Her hand automatically gripped the gun-- in case of confrontation, of course. Using the curtain hole, she watched the person do his business. Thankfully, he only took a piss otherwise, the blonde will wish she just got shot instead.

The moment the guy turned his back since he needed to wash his hands, a grin appeared on her face. Pulling the curtain in a swift manner, she said, Surprise bitch.” before twisting his neck. “Three down.”

She slowly opened the door, sticking her head out to scan the area. But shortly, she closed the door again.

“I need direction from here. One tap to the left and two taps for right. She spoke as low as possible.

*tap tap*

“Got it, I’m moving.” Opening the door once more, she took extra precaution. Her eyes glancing from left to right as her hands rested on the gun.






The sixth door was almost at her reach. But the sound of footsteps coming from her back made her halt. Everything happened so fast. And before she knew it, a hand was placed on her mouth as she was being dragged to who knows where.

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