Chapter 15: Woah

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Chaeng's POV

Now marked my day two in the warehouse. I've been studying everyone's activities. Don't want to brag, but my memory was sharper than a knife.

Sad to say that, it has also been two days since I've been introduced to the beautiful ladies. The arts didn't please my eyes because they were tainted with bruises all over their bodies, cuts on Jisoo's face, and a lump on Jennie's head. They both looked exhausted. I felt bad that I can't do anything yet, ordered by the commander, Limario. I can't use my superiority on assignments like this. It's just that I don't have the courage to face the consequences if everything fails because of my action.


Yesterday, I bathe Jennie. I think she's not used to anyone seeing her body. The moment turned so awkward for the both of us. However, since she can't even stand on her own, and a cold shower was needed to lower her body temperature, I did it anyway.

Currently, I'm here inside the bathroom again. This time, with the princess. I'm just standing at the edge of the broken bathtub while she's taking a bath. And to be honest, I'm nervous and I don't know why. I'm not even touching her. ‘Geez. Why is it so hot in here?’

Thank you for helping us, Jisoo spoke. Her gaze on the floor.

“It’s my job, I replied, nonchalantly, as I handed her the towel. She showed me a weak smile that made my heart skipped a beat. ‘What was that?’

The princess started drying herself in front of me. It's not awkward because unlike Jennie, this woman seemed confident with her body.

Me being me. I scanned her naked body from head to toe. And all I can say was HOLY!

I must have done great deeds in my past life to see such spectacular craft. Long purple hair, tantalizing eyes, cute pointy nose, yummy pouty lips, perky breasts, and flawless white skin. She's a freaking goddess.

*clear throat*

She snapped me out of my daydreaming. Fudge, this was getting me horny. I swear, I'm not like this so don't judge me.

Not knowing what possessed me, I walked towards her, cupped her face, and slowly leaned in. Inch by inch, the gap between us lessened. All I had in mind was the eagerness to taste her lips. She's not stopping me and I couldn't stop myself either so I think this was it. The moment many people dreamed of— to kiss a princess.

*knock knock*

“Why are you taking so long?!” Kai banged at the door, repeatedly.

I took a step back like I just touched something that was out of my league. Jisoo's eyes widened and her jaw dropped maybe just realizing what had happened.

“Well duh, she’s a girl! Of course, she’ll take time showering!” I snapped at Kai. ‘Argh~ He’s such a cockblock.’

Jisoo's POV

The moment her fingers stroked my skin, I had that feeling of security. And weird as it may sound, I wanted her to touch me more. She tried kissing me and I let her like I've been waiting for her all my life.

What the hell are you talking about, Jisoo?’ My subconscious questioned.

Yeah, what am I thinking? I barely know the person. She just appeared out-of-nowhere so I shouldn't allow her to lay a finger on me, it's sexual assault. However, some part of me didn't want to complain— My body, my heart, my mind, my soul... Okay, fine! My whole being didn't want to complain.

“Well duh, she’s a girl! Of course, she’ll take time showering!

After she took a step back, I noticed the bulge on her pants. It left me in trance. What– she has a thing between her legs? This-this gorgeous angel has a wand down there? Ooh, why do I suddenly want to play fairy?

“You’ll be catching flies with that mouth sooner or later.” Shaking my head, I quickly dressed in need to get out of this small suffocating bathroom because any minute now, I might jump on her arms and decide to just let my parents disown me. I don't know.

After getting the clean clothes on, she escorted me back to the room. The mustache guy handcuffed me again on the steel grill before both of them took off.

Princess, are you okay? Did they do anything to you?Jen asked.

I’m Jisoo. I’m okay.” I replied, pinching her fluffy cheek. My mind was still clouded with my delusions. It's something like; 'I'M TASTING HER YUMMY LIPS!' or 'SHE'S DEVOURING MY WHOLE BEING WHILE HER HANDS EXPLORE MY VIRGIN ISLAND.' Gosh, I don't know what I'm saying.

The door unlocked but this time, it didn't open with a loud bang. My eyes witnessed a red-head enter, holding a plate with what seemed to be full of food, and on her other hand was a flashlight. My stomach growled. Not once, not twice, but multiple times. It's such a yummy sight. I'm just not sure which one.

She shuffled towards us. I thought she will use the food to tease us like what that mustache jerk did, but I thought wrong. Instead of making fun of us, she took a sit in front of us and attempted to feed us.

I'm a bit skeptical so I kept my mouth shut. Can't blame me because come to think of it, why would she feed a hostage something delicious? Call me paranoid and all, but maybe she's trying to poison us. It's scary so it's better hungry than sorry.

She let out a good laugh. “Look at those faces... Don’t worry, I don’t poison food, I poison heart.” She said. But it didn't help at all. Oh, wait, she read my mind, does she have powers? “I don’t have powers, that look on your faces simply tells all the tales... Just for your information, this is my meal, but I will share it with you guys because I’m a kind-hearted human being.” She placed the flashlight between her thighs. “Okay, okay. Let me prove to you that it’s safe so you will stop looking at me like I’m an albatross,” Scooping a spoon full, she ate some. “... See, I’m still alive and not barely breathing so please eat.” She lifted the spoon towards my mouth again. Not wasting any more time, I gobbled the food.

Ever since she got here, she's been nothing but kind to us. She even treated our wounds that got her a good scolding. However, she defended herself by saying, “Don’t you think we’ll be more aroused seeing them without blood covering their magnificent faces?”. She's a pervert, but that did benefit us since they let her mend our wounds after every beating. Although, suspicions remain because why would she do that? I mean, who would go with that trouble of treating someone's injuries and apologize on someone's behalf, repeatedly?

We finished eating the best repast we had so far. The meal contained two cups of rice, one slice of grilled steak, vegetable salad, and some fruits.

“Thank you.” Jennie and I said in unison, but she just left without saying a word.

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