Chapter 9: The storm

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The waves crashed visciously against the sides of the boat. Lightning struck randomly, as I tried to keep the ship steady, making sure we didn't end up on the other side of the ocean. The thunder banged so loud and threatening it could deafen you.

"Tiran!" Astreen shouts to me, opening the door, trying to steady herself on the now slippery deck. The wind and rain drowning out her angelic voice.

"get back inside!" I shout over the the thunder crash, another shot of lightening striking not so far away from the boat.

"no! I'm not leaving you out here!" she shouts, shielding her face from the ferocious waves lapping over the sides of the boat.

"mummy!" a voice cries from below deck.

"go with Matthew! He needs you!" I shout back at her, as I try to desperately keep the ship steady.

"and I need you!" she cries, tears running down her soft, pink-tinted cheeks. I couldn't really tell if they were tears though, could just be the rain.

"Astreen please-"

"no!" she defies me once again.

"mummy! Daddy!" another helpless scream is heard, so desperate. The lighting strikes once again but this time hitting the small boat. Out of anywhere in this vast ocean surrounding us it has to hit us.

Fires blaze around me, separating me from the other side of the ship where Astreen is still crying desperately to me, more screams from Matthew. The boat begins to tear apart as the fire begins to burn the wet wood. I chuck a barrel of fish over the edge of the ship.

"we have to jump!" I shout over the blazing fire and the clasps of thunder and the striking of lightning as it hits the ocean. I see Astreen drag Matthew out from below deck, the look she gave me was heartbreaking, I thought that I would never see her again.

I heard a splash and then two loud gasps from the ocean below as she gave me a thumbs up. I smile at her as I throw another two barrels over and a piece of rope to tie them together. I go to jump off but one of the planks collapses under my weight and my leg becomes stuck. I desperately try to pull at it, tug at it but nothing seems to work.

"Tiran!" I hear a desperate shriek before the world goes black...


I gasp for air, first double checking that Matthew is still wrapped in my arms.

"you alright?" I ask him worriedly.

"y-yeah, I-I'm c-cold though..." he says shivering in my arms tightly, his rosy chubby cheeks turning to a deathly pale white.

"here," I grab hold of the barrel floating nearby, placing Matthew on top of it.

I then turn my gaze back to the ablaze ship, giving Tiran a quick thumbs up to assure him that we made it and we're alright. He smiles at me lovingly, throwing two more barrels over board which I swim over to collect, stilling holding onto Matthews barrel tightly. He then thriws down some rope which I manage to catch attaching the three barrels together. I look back up at Tiran with a smile, but that dissapears in an instant when I see the giant mast falling towards him.

"Tiran!" I scream in terror as the pillar hits him and the once sturdy boat turns into nothing but bits of mouldy rubble. "Tiran!" I shout again, in hope of a response. "please answer me Tiran!" I cry, my head droops down.

"daddy!"  Matthew begins to scream too after watching the horrific sight unfold right before his emerald green eyes. I pull him close, trying to comfort him.

"Tiran..." I whisper to myself, a tear slips from my eye and down my cheek as I hear a faint gasp of air and looking up I see someone I though I'd never see again. "Tiran!" I lunge at him forgetting that we were in water. We both pop back up to the surface, gasping for air. "I guess you need two arms to tread water, huh?"

"I guess so," he chuckles, kissing me tenderly on the lips.

"ewwww!" we hear a small voice behind us, leaning onto his barrel. We just shake our heads at him jokingly.

I then grip onto one of the barrels as he does too, we begin to kick with all our might. We had no idea where we were going, but we didn't care we were alive for now...





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