Nijō Castle

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Hello everyone it's time for another chapter. Last chapter, an unexpected group called the Hero Faction decided to attack you and your tour group while also admitting that they were the ones who kidnapped Princess Yasaka.


POV: You

Part 1.

It's late evening in the same day after the Hero Faction attacked me and my tour group at Togetsu-kyō bridge. The 2nd years of the ORC and student council, my mom, Rossweisse, and Azazel were in my and Rossweisse's room going over the plans for the fight tonight. Azazel was sitting at the small tea table with a map of Kyoto on the table. The ORC and student council sat infront of him while Rossweisse and Mom stood behind us.

"Here's the deal, we've mobilized what fire power we can around Nijō Castle. Everyone else is organized around Kyoto station. The Hero Faction hasn't made their move yet, but there has some unsettling Ki disturbances" Azazel explains to us.

"What do you mean by unsettling?" Kiba asks Azazel.

"Historically, Kyoto is a city built on balance. It was designed using the sacred principles of both Feng shui and Anmiyoto, because of that there are several power spots scattered around the city. However, the ki from those spots have been redirected towards Nijō Castle" Azazels says.

"So, what do you thinks going to happen?" Saji asks Azazel.

"It's hard to say right now, but I have a feeling it isn't anything good. Anyway, here's the plan. Everyone in the Sitri family is on stand by, guard the Kyoto area. The Gremory family and Irina will be our offense, you'll head to Nijō Castle. Saving Princess Yasaka should definitely be our highest priority, we have no clue of what Cao-Cao is capable of so I won't be sending you out alone. I've called in someone to help that is really good at handling these types of situations. Also, good and bad news, I was only able to round up 2 phenex tears" Azazel tells us.

"Only 2, fuck" I state "Though with Asia and Yuuma it will definitely be helpful"

"Agreed, they'll come in handy instead of going for phenex tears" Rossweisse adds.

"Each group gets one so use them wisely. Also, Saji, I want you with the Gremory family. I think your dragon king form might be useful, so I need you to support (Y/n)" Azazel says "(Y/n), that makes you responsible for bringing Saji back if he goes out of control"

"Are you sure about this (Y/n)?" Saji asks me.

"Don't sweat it man, I've got your back no matter what happens" I tell him with a smile.

"Thanks (Y/n)" Saji replies.

"And Issei, I want you to go with the Sitri family so they have a heavy hitter just incase something goes south" Azazel tells Issei.

"You can count on me" Issei replies.

"One final note before we go, it's regarding the Hero Faction, we've got devils, angels, fallen angels, and yokai. They've come from all over to help us defeat Cao-Cao" Azazel says.

"We will make sure their in place for the attack. Don't you worry, if any baddies try to escape we'll make sure to punish them" Serafall tells us.

Azazel then stands up "I think that's everything, once we're finish with preparations you should head for your designated locations. I will be supervising the battle from here. I can't go with you, so don't you dare die on me. This trip isn't over until everyone makes it back home. Protect Kyoto and your selves"

As everyone was leaving the room, Azazel stopped me and Issei for a second " So, earlier today, a molester struck right outside the hotel, as I went to help detain the pervert another guy sucker punched the guy, then these came out of both of their bodies" Azazel says before taking out two gem like spheres, one being red and the other being green.

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