talk fast

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It was supposed to be an in and out thing. I wasn't supposed to be in there longer than five minutes. I needed one simple thing, Oreos, and that was it.

I rush into the store, searching the aisles for cookies. It wasn't my usual store so I was walking around aimlessly. I was having the most random craving for Oreos. I walk past people pushing carts and older people trying to figure out which coffee they usually buy. From somewhere else in the store I could hear a baby crying.

I finally find the cookie aisle and my eyes search over the selection of Oreos. My favorite were the mint Oreos, so I grab the family size pack.

I was so excited about my Oreos, I didn't notice what register I went to. I could just taste the minty chocolatey goodness that was about to slide down my throat.

"Hi, how are you?" the boy behind the counter said. I looked up and my breath caught in my throat. I was looking at the most beautiful boy I'd ever seen. His blonde hair was swept to the side and his blue eyes shone with happiness.

"Hi, I'm good," I stuttered out. I watched a pink glow spread across his pale cheeks. He looked at my Oreos and raised an eyebrow.

"This is it? Just Oreos? Where's the milk?" He asked. He scans my cookies and puts them into a plastic bag.

"Um I don't drink milk," I said quickly. I know it was weird but I almost never drink milk, it's never been my favorite.

I glance at his name-tag, Sam. A simple name for a simply gorgeous boy. The boy, Sam, nods as if he understood.

A smile forms on my mouth as I hand him the money, our fingers brushing together slightly. I think he was trying to touch me though. His fingers were soft.

I didn't want this to end all the sudden. I wanted to just stay and talk to him all day. But he had a line forming behind me and I knew I would have to leave.

"Here's your change," Sam says, holding out his hand.

"Sorry, I was too busy thinking about how good those Oreos are gonna taste," I blurted out. That in fact was a lie, I was thinking about Sam.

Sam laughed and it was music to my ears. The coins dropped into my hand slowly as if he was lingering the conversation.

"I've never had the mint flavored ones," he said softly, his eyes big. I gasp, taken aback.

"What? The mint ones are the best," I say shocked. Sam laughs again and I swear I went to Heaven and back.

"I guess I'll have to try them out," Sam said, a smile still on his lips.

I grabbed my bag, noticing the people behind me getting irritated. He opens his mouth to say something, one last thing before I leave but then he closes it.

I walk out of the store, heart beating fast and I'm sure my face was as red as his. I look over my shoulder to see him already scanning the next customers items. He probably wouldn't remember me, he sees hundreds of people a day. I sighed and get in my car.

When I got home, I enjoyed half the pack of my Oreos, thinking of Sam the whole time. It still baffles me that he's never eaten a mint Oreo.


It was two days later when my mom yelled through the house that she needed milk for a new recipe she was making. I ignore her as I was in my room watching Netflix. But she comes barreling through my door, urging me to go to the store for her because she can't leave the house with the oven on. I grumbled incoherent words but got in my car and went to the grocery store.

As I stepped into the store, I wondered if Sam was here. Just thinking about him made my heart skip a beat. I wandered to the back of the store where the dairy part was and eventually found the milk my mom needed.

Sam & Colby One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now