chasing you

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Colby was drunk. He doesn't drink often but he was at a party tonight. Well it wasn't really a party, it was just some people from work hanging out and there were drinks. The brunette boy could barely walk, let alone drive, so I suggested to take him home.

After managing to buckle him into the passenger seat of my car, I took off. It was nearing 2am when we left the party/hang out session.

The thing between Colby and I was this- we both liked each other. In fact, over the winter break, we talked all the time until finally our confession came out. Everything was fine until Colby broke down one night and told me he wasn't ready for a relationship. Of course, it broke my little heart and I spent the days after crying. We haven't talked about it since.

Thirty minutes later, we arrived at Colby's house. Along the ride home I managed to get out that his parents were out of town that weekend. That made things easier for both of us. Since now I don't have to try to explain to his parents why Colby came home drunk.

"Alright come on," I mumble as I help Colby out of the car. Colby laughed and drunkenly swayed on his feet. With one hand around his waist, I guide us to the front door.

"Where's your keys?" I ask. Colby's neighborhood was pitch dark. Colby fumbled with his jeans pocket until pulling out a set of keys.

It was a difficult task- between holding Colby up while he giggled nonstop and unlocking the door and pulling him inside.

I have never been in Colby's house before. Unfamiliar doorways greeted me as he locked the door back. Colby was slowly making his way to the stairs, set on the left side. I quickly switched on the closest light switch, so I'd be able to see. Plus it was pitch dark in the house.

"Sam, t-that's so bright," Colby half yells. I shush him but keep the light on.

"Is your room up there?" I ask quietly, though there was no one in the house.

"Duh, silly... why else... why else would I be going... going up the ladders?" Colby slurred out. He picked his foot up and wobbled slightly.

I chuckle softly but helped the brunette up the stairs. It was a long process as Colby had to set both feet down before moving to the next step. But eventually we made it to the second story. Colby pointed down the hall and moved swiftly in that direction.

He stopped at the last door on the left. I pushed the door open and Colby gasps. I thought he was hurt and started looking for the light-switch.

"M-my bed," Colby shouted. Before he could even make it to his bed, his feet wobbled underneath him and he plopped face first into the carpet. I forgot about the light switch and watched as he lazily rolled over onto his back.

"Colby?" I ask, hoping he wasn't hurt in anyway. He laid quietly on his floor and I stood frozen in the doorway. He hiccuped softly and sighed.

"Look at the stars with me," Colby hiccuped out, patting the floor next to him.

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked up at his dark ceiling. He was more drunk than I thought. But instead of telling him there were no stars on his ceiling, I laid down next to him.

Our shoulders brushed slightly and he lifted his arm to point. I closed my eyes and for the first time that night I realized how tired I was. The party was filled with people from work and the music was bopping. Everyone was dancing and laughing and it was fun. But now that it's over, I'm super tired.

"Aren't they pretty?" Colby slurred.

"Huh?" I questioned because I forgot what was happening. He giggles and points back to the ceiling.

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