silent night

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"Baby, you have to be quiet," Colby told me.

His hand was laced with mine. A bright smile on his face even though it was pitch black. I could see his breath as he breathed out heavily. His eyes were gazing around.

I laughed again and he placed his other hand over my mouth. His eyes stared into mine and I think he was trying to look intimidating. But to me he looked gorgeous. I stuck my tongue out and swiped it along his palm. He gasped and removed it.

"You did not just lick me," he said. I rolled my eyes and gently kissed him. His lips were cold and chapped.

"Oh please, we've done worse," I murmured into his ear. I could physically feel him shiver with how close our bodies were.

We were standing in the middle of a random street underneath a lamp post. The sun had set hours ago and now the cold night air chilled our bones. It didn't help we were in our thin pajamas either. The town should be sleeping but it was December 31st and people were everywhere. We had ventured away from the New Years party to an abandoned building a few blocks away. It was right across the street from where we stood. We wanted to see the fireworks from a higher perspective. So, here were are trying to climb to the roof of the building.

The few people, probably drunk, walked by us, not even glancing in our direction. Colby peeked around the corner and saw no one else. He motioned for us to continue running around the building. It was fenced in with 'No Trespassing' signs all over it. We eventually decided to just climb the fence since there was no other way in.

"I can't believe I let you drag me over here," I sighed as Colby helped me over the fence. I dropped down on wobbly feet but Colby held me steady.

"You know you love it," Colby said, grabbing my hand again, a smirk on his lips. We ducked down and ran towards the building. No one was around, too busy drinking and kissing random strangers to notice us missing. But we were still cautious.

"Love what?" I asked as we made it to the building. Our backs were pressed against it and the cold wall made me start shivering uncontrollably. Who decided to make a New Years party a pajama party? Don't they know it's literally freezing outside to go in pajamas?

"Oh, you know, the thrill of not getting caught, the pounding in your chest as you run, the stars in your eyes when you find something cool, the excitement in your mind as you figure out a way in?"

I watched Colby try to find a way inside. He walked a few feet away from me before returning. He noticed me shaking and wrapped an arm around my waist. "Plus you get to do it all with me," he whispered, leaning his forehead on mine.

"Yeah, you're pretty cool," I said, laughing a little. He growled lightly and squeezed my hips. I stumbled towards him, our chests bumping together. I thought he was going to make a snarky remark back but he didn't.

"There's an open window around the corner," he said. He kissed my cheek before guiding me to the window. Broken glass dangled from the top of it and it looked pretty scary. Colby pulled a half-broken chair that was thrown into the yard up against the wall.

"Sam? You want to go first? Or me?" He questioned. I pointed to him although I knew it was probably a little warmer inside. But I knew I would need his help getting up.

He tested the chair which had a broken leg, it wobbled but held his weight. He jumped and placed his hands on the windowsill. He groaned as he pulled himself up and over the window. Then I hopped on the chair as he held his hand out for me. I grabbed it and helped him pull me up. I threw my leg over one side of the window while the other dangled in the cold.

"Watch your head, babe," he whispered, pointing to the broken glass. I ducked my head before jumping down into the building. Colby followed next.

Once inside, I felt a little better. The wind wasn't whipping around in here. But the walls were wet with coldness and rain and the floors echoed with each step. It was dark in here and we both pulled out our flashlights on our phones. It lit up the hallway vaguely.

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