Chapter 8: Showtime

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Hiccup's pov:

Today is the day, the day where me, Merida, Rapunzel, and Jack get to perform in front of the entire camp. After the whole Family Day issue with Kuzco, he was punished by helping Tiana with breakfast for the campers. Plus my dad and friends will be coming to watch the show with Rapunzel's family, Merida's family, and the other guardians.

I was so nervous that I couldn't even eat "Come on, Hiccup! You gotta eat something or Abu might steal your breakfast." said Aladdin. "Sorry. I'm just so nervous, I've never done this before." I explained. But before Aladdin could speak, Miguel came over to us with another camper "Mind if we join you?" he asked. I let Miguel sit near me. He began to introduce us to his friend Jim Lake and I started to feel less worried.

Jack and I gathered the girls to practice our song for one more time, even Miguel watched us practice. "We sounded perfect!" shouted Rapunzel. "And we'll sounded even better when we do the melody of all of our songs together." said Merida. I was really confused on the whole melody thing "What melody? I asked the guys. "The melody is a mix of our songs that everybody does at the end of the four campers song." explained Miguel. Little did we know, Kuzco was spying on us as we practice.

Miguel's pov:

I left the guys to practice until I saw Kuzco sneaking off somewhere "What's he up to? I better get some help." I said to myself. Since I used to share a cabin with Kuzco, I asked Merlin if I could switch cabins and I did. So now, I share a cabin with Quasimodo, Moses, Dagur, and Flynn which is better. I asked Flynn and Dagur to come with me to see what Kuzco was up to. It turned out to be something not good. Kuzco had found a voice stealing gem, a rare gem that has the power to steal someones voice just like Ursula's necklace. "Once I get close enough to that runt, I'll steal his voice and use it to fool them all." Kuzco explained his plan.

The guys and I were shocked that Kuzco would resort to using dark magic. What's worse, if Kuzco gets his hands on Hiccup's voice then he won't be able to sing his part of the song him and his friends made. "We have to stop Kuzco before it's too late." said Flynn. "Then it's a good thing we know someone who has dealt with this kind of magic. I'll get Ariel to help us out." I said as I headed to find Ariel. I found Ariel talking to Tiana and Cinderella as they were hang the decorations for the show.

Miguel: "Ariel, I need your help!"

Ariel: "Hey Miguel, what is it?"

Miguel: "It's Kuzco! He found a voice stealing gem and he plans to use it on Hiccup."

Ariel: "What!? This is bad!"

Miguel: "Exactly! So I was wondering if you could help us out."

Ariel: "I'm in. What do you want me to do?"

Miguel: "I need you to get your fathers trident."

Ariel: "Actually, I brought my own."

Miguel: "Great! Meet me backstage tonight."

Ariel: "Got it."

(Time skip)

Hiccup's pov:

Tonight is the night, the family and friends of all of the campers had arrived including my dad and the other dragon riders. I was with Jack, Merida and Rapunzel backstage finish doing one last rerun of our song "Sounds great Hiccup." said Astrid as she entered. "Thanks Astrid, what are you doing back here?" I asked. "I wanted to wish you guys good luck." she said then left. I hope that is with be perfect, Merlin called us up to stage "It's now or never guys." I said as we headed to the stage. The spotlights started to shine on us and we started to sing our song.

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