Chapter 26: Things Aren't What They Seem

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Rapunzel's pov:

Today Belle's father Maurice came to camp to show us more of his inventions and this one is very special. Maurice created a machine that can transport us to the future. He even said that Belle can choose who gets to go with her. She choiced me, Merida, Elsa, Anna, Jasmine, Ariel and Marinette. "Let's hope we end up together in the future." Merida said to Hiccup. Maurice started to fire up the machine.

The next thing I knew I was back in Corona with Flynn and our daughter Rose, my future seemed pretty good. Our daughter soon learned Flynn's real name and Belle sent me a note saying she wants to meet up in the village "I hope everyone else's future is amazing as mine." I said. Before I left I saw Rose with a frying pan "Like mother like daughter." said Flynn.

I saw Belle near the library in her blue dress and something tells me that her future isn't all nice. I told Belle about my future with Flynn but she told me that she married Gaston in the future "That makes no sense at all." I said. "I know right, I'm supposed to end up with Prince Adam not Gaston!" said Belle. Soon Anna joined up with us and she was holding her daughter named Sandy "I named her after my love of sandwiches." explained Anna.

Ariel joined in the group and her future was just like Belle's, it turns out Eric married Ursula and to make things worse Ariel is their babysitter for their kid Elijah. "Something is wrong here. There is no way that I married Gaston and Eric married Ursula. I smell a rotten egg, and I don't mean my kid." said Belle. Turns out Gaston named their kids after himself and his love of eggs which was so gross.

Marinette and Jasmine joined up with us and they had their kids as well. Jasmine and Aladdin married and have a daughter named Lily and a son named Cassim after Aladdin's father. Marinette ended up with Adrien and they have twin daughters named Emily after Adrien's mother and Claire. Things got even worse when Elsa showed up with her husband. Elsa ended up with Hans and they have a daughter named after Hans himself.

"What in the world is going on here?! There is no way I married Hans and have a baby named Hans! I felt like I'm taking crazy pills!" Elsa shouted. Merida came running to us with her daughter named Mira "Guys this future is messed up!" she shouted. Apparently, for some weird reason she ended up with Kuzco "I feel like a new toy to him." she said.

This was too weird, Elsa, Merida, Ariel and Belle have really messed up futures but the rest of us were with the right people and have cute kids. Things went from worse to so much worse, Belle's father didn't bring us back so now we are stuck in the future. Belle figured out that a villian must have tampered with her dad's machine which altered their future with the people they want to be with. 'I really hope someone is trying to get us out of here.' I thought.

Hiccup's pov:

The girls all traveled to the future but something went wrong with the machine "This can't be good." Jack said to me. Turns out he was right, Kuzco was back and now he messed with Maurice's invention which made the villain ending up with the princesses they want to marry. Kuzco even made sure that the girls would stay in the future as well "You can say goodbye to your girlfriend runt." he said. I was this close to punch him but we have to save the girls and fast.

Hiccup: "Wait Maurice, is there a way to get them back without the machine?"

Maurice: "There is one way."

Jack: "What is it?"

Maurice: "The only way to get them back is if they use the same song that I placed in the machine for emergencies like this."

Flynn: "That's perfect. Except the girls don't know the song!"

Hiccup: "It looks like we're going to have to tell them ourselves."

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