Chapter 24: Three Vampires, A Seer and A Bogus Wizard

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Hiccup's pov:

Today Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos and Ben came for a visit at camp with their newest VK Dizzy the daughter of Drizella. Dizzy loves to design like Evie and she does different hair styles for her friends. Dizzy made each of us charm bracelets 'Wow. she is really great.' I thought. Jay and Jack were doing a little game. Evie, Dizzy, Rapunzel and Elsa were doing more designing. Merida and Mal were having a girls day. Carlos and Kristoff were giving their animal friends a grooming. Ben and I were talking a walk in the forest.

Ben gave me some advice for when I become chief and I gave him some advice for him as well. Suddenly, we heard the sounds of growling and snarling "What was that?" Ben asked. "I'm not sure." I said. Ben and I soon followed the growling which led us to a boy with blond hair with blood all over his face.

Hiccup: "Are you okay there?"

???: "Sorry, I was in the middle of having a little snack."

Ben: "Who are you?"

???: "I'm Rory, pleasure to meet you."

Ben: " I'm Ben the king of Auradon and this is Hiccup."

Hiccup: "Quick question, why do you have blood...?"

Rory: "Oh that. It's from my snack and it's juice."

HIccup: "Well that makes sense. We'll take you back to camp and get you cleaned up."

Rory: "That's pretty nice of you guys."

Ben: "Hang on, why are you here?"

Rory: "I'll explain everything but have you seen my friends?"

HIccup: "No. But maybe they might be at camp already."

We led Rory back to camp and by the time we got there, the other guys had other new people with them. It looked like Rory knew them and one of them just slapped him across the face "What were you think?! Isn't bad enough that we got separated thanks to Benny's spell that you had to be seen with blood all over you?!" one of the boys asked. "Hey, we can trust them." said Rory. The guys and I looked confused on what Rory was talking about and what did they mean by a spell.

Rory: "Let me introduce you guys to my friends. The girl with the bad attitude is Erica, the vegetarian is Sarah, the sweater vest guy is Ethan, and the bogest wizard her is Benny."

Benny: "Says the one who is a vampire."

Sarah/Erica/Ethan/Rory: "BENNY!"

Hiccup: "Don't worry, we won't tell anyone."

Rory: "OK. Well I'm not the only one. Erica and Sarah are vampires as well, Ethan is a seer and Benny is a wizard."

Benny: "Again! Really?"

Sarah: "So who might you guys be?"

Hiccup: "I'm Hiccup. This is Jack, Rapunzel, Merida, Elsa, Kristoff, Mal, Dizzy, Evie, Jay, Carlos, and Ben."

Ethan: "It's really nice to meet you all. Wait, we don't freak you out?"

Elsa: "Not really. Everyone here has unique abilities."

Sarah: "That's perfect."

Mal: "What brings you all here?"

Erica: "Well we were in Whitechapel one minute, then next Mr. Magic here uses a unknown spell and transported us here."

Benny: "That was an accident!"

Erica: (Hisses at Benny) "Don't make me bit you."

Hiccup: "Okay, okay. Calm down."

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