Chapter 12: First Date

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Rapunzel's pov:

It's been a little crazy around here in the cabin, Dulcinea and Elsa have been rushing to find a perfect gift for their boyfriends, Poppy has been practicing her dance moves and Merida has been fixing her bow and arrows. Me on the other hand, I've been trying to get everything under control "Girls, I know you want to find the perfect gift for both of your anniversaries but can you not try to make a mess." I asked Elsa and Dulcinea.

Both of them calmed down and I told them to just make something instead. The girls headed out of the cabin except Merida "You coming Merida?" I asked. "No thanks, I'm going to the music room for some more practice." she said to me. On my way to the craft center I ran into Dagur and Aladdin who were looking a little confused "What's wrong with you two?" I asked.

Dagur: "Somethings up with Hiccup."

Aladdin: "He's been acting weird."

Rapunzel: "Weird how?"

Aladdin: "Well, he's been sneaking off after racing, daydreaming, and heading into the forest during breakfast."

Rapunzel: "Huh? Now that I think about it, Merida has been acting strange as well."

Dagur: "Lets get the others and follow them."

Rapunzel: "You got it."

Aladdin: "Where do you think they would be?"

Rapunzel: "Merida said she was heading to the music room. So they must be there."

Merida's pov:

I waited til the girls left the cabin then I grabbed a little gift I hid and headed out to the music room "Finally, I know the men are suppose to ask us girls but I really want to ask Hiccup to a date." I said to myself as I entered the music room.

Hiccup's pov:

After my flight with Toothless I made sure no one was following me and grabbed the gift I made for Merida. I had Toothless fly me towards the music room to surprise Merida "Okay bud. This time I'm going to ask Merida out to a date." I said to Toothless as I headed inside the music room.

Toothless's pov: (I bet you didn't see that coming. By the way, Bold is when Toothless talks and italics is when Spirit talks)

Hiccup headed inside the music room while I waited outside 'I'll never understand way humans get nervous around each other.' I thought. Just then, Spirit came out of the forest looking a little nervous 'I wonder what Toothless is doing here?' Spirit thought.

Toothless: "Hey Spirit. What are you doing here?"

Spirit: "I came to see Hiccup. Where is he?"

Toothless: "He's in the music room. He's trying to ask his crush out on a date."

Spirit: "That's weird. Because the girl he likes is in there as well."

Toothless: "Hang on, if both of them are in the same room then that means..."

(Both hear screaming from Hiccup and Merida)

Spirit: "Oh boy. That doesn't sound good."

Hiccup's pov:

I felt like someone was watching me and by the time I turned around I bumped into someone and jumped back "Who's there?" I asked. Out of the shadows came Merida, 'Now I feel like a fool.' I thought. I hid my gift behind my back so Merida won't spoil her surprise but she hid something behind her back as well. "Sorry about scaring you Hiccup." said Merida. I started to get curious about this whole thing, why is Merida there and what is behind her back?

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