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Sam blushed. The archangel beside him was panting. "I didn't expect you to go all in," she gasped.
"Don't get used to it. I'll be as gentle as can be." He pulled her closer and kissed the top of her head. "How do we know if it worked?"
"They'll tell us."
Gabe smiled and cuddled onto Sam's chest. "We'll see at breakfast. But first, you should get some shuteye."
Sam nodded and closed his eyes. The night was calm and Sam could get a good night's rest. Sam woke up just past 9 am. Seeing Gabe still sleeping, Sam slowly got up and dressed before going to the kitchen to make some breakfast in bed.
Dean was sitting at the table with his boyfriend. "Good morning, Sammy."
"Morning," Sam replied, watching his older brother smile ar his coffee. "Good mood?"
"We're gonna see Theodora today again."
Sam smiled. "That's really cute." He prepared some eggs with bacon for Gabriel and put it on a tablet.
"Talking about cute," Dean added and took a sip out of his mug. "Making your future husband breakfast?"
"Well," Sam sighed. "At the moment my future husband is my future wife and potentially pregnant."
Dean choked on his coffee. "Pregnant? You're giving me more children to play with?"
"Yeah." Sam sat down. "The house will be so crowded. Gabe and my kid, your girl, Serah's baby."
"Love it." Dean put down his mug and smiled. "You should call the baby Dean."
Sam laughed. "Not happening." He got up. "I'll call him Michael."
Sam picked up the tablet and walked back to their room. The archangel was lying on the bed, head on Sam's pillow. Sam smiled. "Good morning, sunshine."
Gabriel yawned. "Morning."
Sam put down the tablet and leaned over to kiss her forehead. "Feeling anything? Morning sickness or..."
"That's not how it works, Sam," the archangel smiled.
Sam giggled and shrugged. "I'm sorry, I'm just so excited." He got into the bed.
"Well, it's cute." Gabe took the fork and started eating. Sam watched his fiancée eat. Every bite made her light up, and Sam fell in love even more.

Days passed and Sam grew more and more impatient, just as Serah's belly seemed to grow in front of his eyes and Cas and Dean's love for Theodora grew.
And there Sam sat in the library, browsing through books for a hunt Jess was onto. He leaned back in the chair and focused on the letters - a desperate attempt to distract himself from all the children thoughts until Gabriel would finally break the news.
Obviously, Gabriel had kept him in bed most of the time, just to make sure. This morning, however, Gabriel had been missing in bed, from the entire bunker in fact. Sam knew Gabe was fine. The archangel was probably at the nearest grocery store.
When Sam looked up, Jess sat opposite to him, her feet on the table. "Hiya Handsome."
Sam smiled. "Hello, Beautiful." He put down the book. "Any news on the case?"
The woman sighed deeply. "Yes, but they aren't that good." She pulled a neatly folded piece of paper out her jacket and handed it over.
Sam unfolded it, an address written down in what he recognized as Jess' handwriting. "What's the bad news? This doesn't sound bad at all."
Jess scratched her head. "Well, I hoped I wouldn't have to tell you about it, but I think I know who's causing this." She took her feet down and bit her lip. "So, you don't remember, but you called off our engagement pretty much 15 years ago, and three weeks later I found out I'm pregnant."
"What?" Sam watched her. "Pregnant?"
"Yeah," Jess confirmed. "And since hunters' life isn't necessarily a family one, we decided it's best to give her up for adoption."
Sam shook his head. "Are you trying to tell me that our child is causing paranormal trouble?" He furrowed his brows until it hit him. "Demon blood."
"Bingo," Jess sighed. "Probably didn't show in Serah since she got so much going on anyway."
Sam sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "That's just great," he sighed. "I'll have to tell Gabe who's gonna be mad. Serah might be happy? I don't even know. Does Dean know?"
Jess nodded. "He was really supportive. Either way, we should go to visit our daughter and maybe ask if she knows, if she does that on purpose."
"We should as soon as Gabe is back from wherever he- She... Wherever she is."
"Having a hard time being straight still?" Jess giggled.
"You know, being with a man for such a long time makes you get used to a pronoun, you know?" Sam explained.
"Oh, I know." Jess slid over a book and picked it up to read.
Sam watched her. "Do you?"
"I have a life of my own." Jess shrugged. "None of your business, handsome."

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