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Serah tilted her head in both confusion and disgust. She wasn't entirely sure why Chuck had written considerably more lewd scenes than any book series really needed, and she wasn't entirely sure why she read them either. Since her fathers had their argument, the atmosphere in the cottage was thick and since Eliot didn't pick up the phone, she had no other choice than find another way to spend time. For some reason, Serah decided that reading up on her grandfather's writing was an idea she wasn't going to regret. By now, she had passed the uncomfortably long sex scene and had arrived and the mildly more interesting parts of the series: hunts.
She didn't think they were the best books she had ever read; she moreso tolerated the sex scenes and brotherly moments in-between the compelling hunts and engaging characters. Reading about hugs and brotherly jokes wasn't the same when you live through them daily. Just like Sam had told her that he hated horror movies, understandably so. It seemed as though fiction only works when it's not a drunkenly written biography about your own relatives.
A chuckle escaped Serah's lips when she thought about her father reading the bible. It must have felt similar to how Serah watched the 'Supernatural' books. Maybe Gabriel had more to complain about the actual contents of the bible rather the way they are being represented. In a brief talk they had, Anael told her that she had never touched the Bible, and all she knew about it was what others had told her. Lucifer, for example, told her all about how inaccurate it was, and how badly he was being portrayed. Serah doubted he was any better than the bible made him look, if not a bit funnier than told.
Serah wondered how nephilim would have been represented in the bible, if they weren't. Admittedly, Serah had never read more in the bible than school forced her to. Her angelic heritage made her look at religion differently. Gabriel told her that all the Gods were real and that he even dated one in the past.
Maybe Serah would read the Bible eventually. But now she read supernatural books and cringe her way through. It was better than listening to the uncomfortable silence in the car. Sam was driving on the highway and Gabriel was pouting out the window. Luckily, the twins were calmly sleeping so Serah could read and listen to music. She turned the page to read about them finally moving on to the case. Only a few more hours, she thought. And indeed, only a few hours later, Sam parked the car in front of the bunker. He silently picked up the sleeping twins and walked inside. Gabriel followed with Serah. The bunker was cleaner than she had expected, considering Dean and Adam were in charge. Serah watched as her dads walked different paths and refused to talk. She shook her head and walked into the library, where Mary was browsing through the books. "Hey," Serah said.
Mary turned around and smiled. "Hi. Welcome back." She pulled Serah into a hug. "How was the vacation?"
"Awful," Serah admitted. "Eliot and I had a fight over the phone and then dads had a fight and now they don't talk anymore." She hid her face in Mary's shoulder. "And now I'm scared that they'll break up."
"Want me to talk to them?"
Serah shook her head and cried. "I just wanted a happy family trip." She closed her eyes and backed off. "I shouldn't stress you," she said. "You're pregnant."
"It's okay," Mary said. "I'm still a mom, and I'm your grandma." She pressed a kiss on her forehead and took her hand. "Maybe you can go to John while I talk to them. Alright?"
"Alright," Serah said. She walked to their bedroom and knocked. "Hey. Can I come in?"
"Sure," the voice inside said.
Serah opened the door and got inside. "Hey. We're back." She got in the bed beside John and watched into his newspaper. John put his arm around her and pulled her closer.
Serah appreciated that John just let her be quiet, occasionally stroking her hair. She closed her eyes and tried to focus on his breathing, making her fall asleep almost instantly.

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