Chapter 20

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Neil reached police station... every constables saw him and stood up and saluted Neil.. they were shocked to see Neil back as Neil got a month off... but nevertheless they were happy to see Neil... Neil nodding his head moved to his cabin...

As he entered in his cabin he saw figure standing near his cabin window... seeing the figure it didn't took any second to know who this person could be...

Neil : sir...

Yes the person who was standing in Neil's cabin was commissioner sir... commissioner turned around and took his step to Neil.....

Commissioner: thank you for coming on short notice...

Neil : sir you don't need to thank me... it's my duty to come here... sir why you called me this emergency....

Commissioner: mr sihna..... he is the problem... we got to know someone has tried ruining his business..... there is news that he his illegal drugs are found... i want to know who could be doing this and helping police... one thing did you speak to officer avni metha....

Neil : sure sir... I will investigates on this... no sir I haven't spoke to officer avni metha... sir do you have idea where officer avni is.... I mean.... she isn't on duty so I was wondering where she could be?

Commissioner: yes I know where officer Avni is....

Neil : where sir?

Commissioner: i am sorry officer Neil... I can't tell where she is..... all I know she has taken few weeks off... I haven given days off as I Knew she needs.... but I don't where and why she is there?

Neil : okay sir.. I will found out myself...

Commissioner: all the best.... dd will be working with you...

Neil nods... commissioner left while Neil was thinking about avni....

Neil povs: where are you avni? I don't know why I feel you behind all this.... I don't know why I feel you are in some problem... avni contract us somehow.... I need you to be safe...

He was thinking about her when his phone rang... he took his phone out and saw home number... he took deep breath and picked the call...

Neil: hello!

Swetha : tillu where are you? You are not in your room...

Neil : mom.... calm down I am at police station... I am coming home now...

Swetha : but...

Neil : please mom... I will talk to at home...

Neil ended the call without giving change swetha to speak.... Neil kept his phone in his pocket and checked his cabin... he found some files relating to mr shina case... he took those files and walked out his cabin...

He stopped at one constable and called him...

Neil : when dd comes tell me to visit my house...

Constables nods... Neil left to khanna house....

While somewhere In Mumbai a man was sitting with huge image hanged on the wall....

He was tapping his fingers on the sofa edge....

Man : no matter what... how hard you try you will never find me... you will never destroy my business you officers... Mumbai officers can't harm me....

He smirked seeing the image and called for his men... one person immediately came and looked at him...

Man : did you send my message to Mumbai office?

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