Trying to Say Goodbye & The Anti-quirk Drug

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During Izuku chat with All Might he soon left and went back to the dorms while during this afternoon Tomura was right in front of Overhaul in their underground base.

"What a dreary office you have here" said Tomura.

"Cluttered configurations aren't really my taste" said Overhaul.

"You had me going round and round underground for 30 minutes, what kind of Yakuza house is this supposed to be" said Tomura.

"We don't know who's watching, nor do we know what our guests are thinking, there are many routes that have been connected underground this reception room also serves as an underground hideout" said Overhaul.

"It's because we take these kind of measures that the eight percepts have survived to this day, now then about what we discussed on the phone the other day were you for real, that depending on the conditions, you'll side with us" said ???.

"It's because we take these kind of measures that the eight percepts have survived to this day, now then about what we discussed on the phone the other day were you for real, that depending on the conditions, you'll side with us" said ???

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"That's a rather self serving way of putting it, you're the ones who want to latch the League's name, but we happen to be looking for ways to expand our influence, our motives happen to align" said Tomura as he put his foot on the table.

"Put your foot down you're dirtying the table" said Overhaul.

"I believe you should be, could you please put your foot down, young boss, if anything you should be bowing your head in respect first, we don't answer to anyone we will move however we like, call it 50/50 in other words we're willing to work together in a joint venture" said Tomura.

"Is that the only condition" said Overhaul.

"There's another, that plan you were talking about tell me more about it, it's a natural condition I can't just lend you our name for a worthless scheme, although" said Tomura as he was about to pull out something from his coat.

This when two of Overhaul men there rush at Tomura one with a gun another with a musclely arm.

"Don't get cocky, you're getting a little ahead of yourself aren't you" said ???.

"Don't get cocky, you're getting a little ahead of yourself aren't you" said ???

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But this was when Tomura turn his head to them.

"Who do think you are, that's my line, do really think your throw away small fry Yakuza human shields are of equal value to our Magne, don't forget we're down an arm too if can't even make a small compromise then we might have problem" said Tomura as he lifted up his hand.

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