The Devil That Descended From Heaven

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The final climax of the fight with Overhaul and Lucci seemed dire situation with the both of them taking down both Mirio and Sir Nighteye, this left Izuku to take them on for a while until Ryukyu and the other burst through the group and slowly before they knew it everything seemed to go their way as Eri was able to awaken her quirk and return Overhaul to his original form, but as victory seem closer in their sights Overhaul and Lucci became one into something horrifying that seemed to be they're end, these destructive forces were bad enough on their own but now together had the power to kill Izuku 10 times over and cause of the pain slowly dragged something out of Izuku that will change the tie of the battle in a brutal way as Izuku used his fist as he broke Overhaul's nose.

"Shit where did that come he was a few seconds off to death" said Overhaul.

But this was when Lucci noticed what was coming.

"Keep your mind in the fight" said Lucci.

Then he put their guard.

'Tekkai!' said Lucci.

This caused Lucci new body to harden beyond then any shield, but Izuku was in a blind rage as he came charging at them with a right to the side.

'If he does this he will leave his fist shattered 'Lucci thought.

But as Izuku punch them in their side his fist did shattered, but Izuku wasn't done cause as it was shattering Izuku kept pushing his fist in as it broke, this cause serious damage to the side cause them to cough out blood.

'Shit did he get stronger!' Overhaul/Lucci thought.

Then because of this they backed away and they saw the end result for Izuku right fist as his fingers were bent and gushing blood everywhere, but this was when they saw that Izuku fist started to go back to normal thanks to Eri quirk rewinding the physical damage and this was when they also noticed the steam coming out of his body through his mouth.

"This kid starting to look like more of a demon as the fight continues" said Lucci.

"Then let's end it before he becomes something worse" said Overhaul.

But before they could react Izuku came back at them with his right completely fixed now.

'Crap he's too faster now!' Overhaul/Lucci thought.

Even when Lucci used Tekkai in his left arm to block Izuku both of them ended up with a fractured bone.

"Overhaul repair us before he gets the other arm!" said Lucci.

"I know already" said Overhaul.

Then Overhaul touched both his broken arm and the side that Izuku broke a few ribs and both splatter coming apart and then to come back together completely healed and same can be said for Izuku fist thanks to Eri's quirk, then without warning Izuku came charging as they try to avoid Izuku fist.

'All we have to do is keep our distance now and when the opportunity shines I'll touch him as he's close enough' Overhaul thought.

'With the state he's in I doubt that he'll avoid any hits he'll take them full on' Lucci thought.

Then as Izuku was throwing his strike uncontrollably this was when his already fast speed was slowly increasing, but they were able to avoid it only getting grazed and during this they saw an opportunity.

"Overhaul do it now!" said Lucci.

Then Overhaul extended his arm and reached out to Izuku head expecting when he touched his head it would splatter, but Izuku did something they didn't expect and dodge Overhaul's hand from touching him and went for a jaw punched causing blood to splatter from both sides as their jaw broke and Izuku fist, but this time Izuku didn't give them a chance to recover and as he was recovering at the same time Izuku kicked them in the side as Izuku broke their ribs and his leg broke on contact, while everyone else could only watch speechless in Izuku new state.

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