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I fell asleep with Kenny and we were lying face to face in just out underwear, arms and legs tangled together.

I heard a woosh and the engine of a certain machine and I opened my eyes wide and sat straight up. "Sarah? What the fu-" "shh." I said and heard the sound of the engine again. "Get up. Get dressed. Grab the guys." I said and we jumped up. I got a shirt of his on and borrowed without permission a pair of his flannel PJ pants. I threw on some slippers and ran out to their backyard.

There, glowing in the darkness was a white light atop a blue box. In a few minutes, Kenny came back panting with the guys in their PJs, and Jonathan was there too, surprisingly.

"Why are we here?" Cartman said and I shushed him and took a step towards the blue box. "Wow. It's a box that landed in Kenny's backyard. So special." Cartman said sarcastically. "Shut. Up. Now." Jonathan spat at him and I came close to the box with tears in my eyes.

I raised a hand to knock on the perfect shade of blue wood where the door is, and I lowered my hand and wiped away the tears on my cheeks and took a breath and before I could knock, the door swung open and a head popped out.

"Where are we?" The man with the stupid face asked. "Rory." I sighed. He looked at me in confusion. "Do I know you?" He asked and I shook my head. A girl with fire red hair peeped out. "Hellloooo there." She said and I smiled. "Amy." "Hi." She smiled at me. "Ah! Hello there!" A cheerful man in a tweed jacket and bow tie stepped out. My breath caught in my throat. "Doctor."

"That's me. And you are?" He said and I felt hot tears roll down my face. I saw his face change and he bent down a little so he was eye level with me. "Why are you crying?" "I- I don't know." I smiled and wiped my cheeks.

"It's the-" "I know." Jonathan and I said. "But how?" He asked. "I wished for it. For them." I said and we gazed at the Tardis in awe.

"She's beautiful." I sighed. "She is." Jonathan agreed. "Yeah, she is." Doctor, Amy and Rory agreed with us.

"I'm sorry, but what the fuck is going on?" Cartman asked. "History. And science. All at once." I answered. "Sounds boring." He yawned and I nearly slapped him. But I didn't have to, Jonathan slapped him for me.

"It is nowhere near boring. Shut your fat ass." He said. "Geez. Sorry." Cartman mumbled.

"Hello! I'm the Doctor! And you are?" The Doctor said and I smiled. "Sarah Germelman." I said and took his hand to shake. "Lovely name. Just like out of a storybook." He said. "No. Amelia Pond is a name from a storybook. Not Sarah Germelman." I said and he just smiled at me.

"Hello. I'm Jonathan." Jonathan stepped forward and introduced himself. "Hello!" The Doctor and did a little cheek kiss thing with him. "Who are these other boys?" He asked and stood next to me with his arm around my shoulder.

"That's Stan Marsh, Kyle Broflovski, Eric Fatass Cartman, and Kenny. Kenny McCormick." I smiled at Kenny and my eyes were soon glued to his. "Guys who don't know. That's Rory Williams, Amy Pond, wife to Rory, and here is The Doctor in his eleventh regeneration." I sighed.

"Has it been that many? Wow, I guess so." He sighed. "Enough of standing in the cold. How would you like to go on an adventure?" The Doctor said and held his hand out to me.

"I'd love to. Guys, coming?" I said as we retreated into the Tardis and the guys looked in confusion at the box. "Will we fit?" "Forget about us. Will Cartman fit?" Kyle said and Cartman hit him. "We'll all fit with plenty of leftover room." I said and went in, looking all around.

"I always knew it was bigger on the inside, I just never knew how big..." I sighed and looked around even more.

Finally the guys stepped in and stood and looked in wonder. "Doctor, just give them a minute." I said and we watched as they looked around in confusion. Kenny tightened his hood up a bit and I smiled and went right over to him.

I loosened the hood and pulled it down, letting him know it was all okay. "You wished for a man and a married couple to show up in a magical blue police box to take us all away on an adventure?" He said and I nodded. "Isn't it great?! My life is now complete. I have a couple of best friends, I have enemies, I have a boyfriend who I know I'm going to marry someday, and I have some guy who can finally understand my references." I sighed.

His mood completely did a 180 and he smiled widely with a faint blush dusting his cheeks. "Yeah. You're right. New adventure." He said and I grinned.

"So, Sarah Germelman, where are we going?" Amy asked me in her thick Scottish accent. "Uh...." I said and turned towards the controls.

"C'mon, anywhere in time and space. No pressure, of course." Rory said. Amy put her arm around my shoulders. "I know how you feel. Anywhere you wanna go. Anywhere at all. And suddenly you get asked that question and everywhere and every time and everything is just flying around in your little brain." She sighed.

She was 100% right. I thought about every place in existence. Then my jaw dropped as I thought of the perfect place.

"Oh, I know! I want to see something not on Earth, something in space, or not even in this galaxy, I don't care. But, it has to be the most awesome thing in the history of awesomeness." I said and The Doctor smiled and ran around his controls.

"Grab a hold of something!" Rory called and I rushed up and held the railing for balance, right next to Jonathan. We shook and fell a bit and when we landed, I heard that beautiful engine noise.

"We are now on a planet far, far away from Earth, it is about 3,000 years in the future, and we are walking towards the most beautiful sight in the universe." He said and we stepped out.

"Whoa. This is like the time I froze myself and landed 500 years in the future!" Cartman said. "You did that?" "Yeah." "You idiot." I shook my head.

We walked along a path and came to two rooms. "This is what most people would call the most beautiful thing in the history of beauty." He said and I looked forward at a mirror.

It was about eight feet tall and had a gold rim and writing across the top. "A mirror?" Jonathan asked and stood up to look in it.

We watched as his eyes widened. "Dude! What is this thing?!" He asked. "It's a mirror that showed what you want most in the world." The Doctor said and I grinned.

"So it's like the Mirror of Erised?" I asked. "No. The Mirror of Erised was based off of this mirror." He said and I nodded. "And it shows what you want most in the world?" Jonathan said and we were asking questions while the four other guys were pushing and fighting each other to get a good look in the mirror.

"Alright boys, let's make a line now." Amy instructed and put Stan first. "What do you see?" Cartman the Nosy asked. "I see... I see me and Wendy, she looks happy for once. We aren't fighting for once. Hey, Kyle's there too!" He said happily.

"My turn!" Kyle said and Stan let him have a turn. "I see Ike, and he's laughing, and of course he's covered in dirt." He smiled at the mirror.

"Mah turnnn!" Cartman yelled and pushed them both out of the way. He gazed in, and instead of smiling, he frowned and then grinned. "It's us. We're all laughing at something." He shrugged.

Jonathan went and he smiled as he peered in. "My family. They're happy." He said. I went next and saw Kenny standing next to me.

I raised my brow in confusion until Kenny kissed my cheek in the mirror and held my hand softly. I felt it, but nothing was beside me when I looked over. My head soon snapped and Kenny was standing ten feet behind me, waiting for his turn.

I stepped back and let him have his look. He went and sat in front of the mirror and the Doctor took his sonic screwdriver and zapped the mirror and pointed it at himself, Amy, and Rory. "What are you doing?" I asked. "We can now see what he sees. We saw what you saw, too." He said and smiled at me.

They stared straight forward until Amy slapped a hand over Rory's and The Doctor's eyes, shutting her own. "Doctor, make it stop." She said and I raised my brow, wondering what on Earth Kenny wants most on Earth.

They got us out of there quickly and dropped us back home, the Tardis disappearing as we stood back and watched. "That was fun." Stan said and I grinned. "That was the best." I agreed.

The boys went home and Jonathan actually hugged me goodbye. I went back to sleep with Kenny, but he didn't hold me tonight.

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