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My eyes shot open at the painfully piercing sound of my alarm. When will I ever learn to not keep my phone next to my head at night? I groaned so loudly to myself, it was a borderline scream.

One of the many perks of living alone; I can do that without worrying about my mom freaking out about waking up too early.

Why am I catching a red-eye flight again? Would it really have killed me to pay a little more for a normal flight?

Oh well.

I've had my bags packed for weeks. I couldn't even help myself.

The second I realized I was really going back there again drove me so far up a wall that I couldn't think straight or about anything else for days. It's been years since I've been back in South Korea...

I haven't even been able to say it out loud, yet.

When I told my sister and family that I got a new job, I just told them what company it was.

BigHit Entertainment.

Of course, my sister couldn't leave it alone at the time. It would've eaten away at her. That's how she's always been. She loves to talk about everything.

"Wait, isn't BigHit Entertainment the company BTS is signed to?"

Her eyes widened so far I thought they were going to burst out of her face.

It's okay though. She said their name; she didn't mention his name.

"Yeah. It is. I'm basically assisting their manager, Sejin. Since their newer group, TXT, is starting to blow up more, they need help managing BTS for the upcoming tour. Sejin is getting busier dealing with both, so he's asked me to step in and help."

I kept my gaze away from her. It's like I could feel her face twisting, waiting for me to look at her to see if I would approve of her delving deeper.

Or so I would think.

I should know better at this point.

She's never waited for my approval.

"So why did Sejin ask for you of all people to go back out there? Or was it actually your idea?"

I could have thrown my coffee in her face honestly. The audacity of thinking that I would want to go back there again after the first time I left.

After everything that happened.

After him.

Fighting with her would solve nothing, however. I know she just wanted to know how I was feeling about the whole thing.

She knew I wouldn't willingly talk about it. She knew that irking my soul to the point of no return would get me to scream about it eventually.

For her, that was better than getting nothing out of me.

So, here I was again battling between not giving her what she wanted, and trying to be nice before I leave for God knows how long at this point.

"Sejin knows how I work. He trusts me; he knows I can handle it, but it was definitely not my idea."


I sighed.


I'm still thinking about what my sister said. I mean, I met Sejin years ago when I was still living there.

When it all started, when they all started. He found me to be such an impressive twenty year old at the time.

I was driven, strong, I got my shit done, and I was stubborn as hell.

I still am.

I never cared about other people's opinions of me, which made it easier for me to keep it moving, to go with my flow.

I probably would've worked for BigHit a long time ago, had the series of unfortunate events that is my life, not occurred.

But they did happen.

He happened.

I left so abruptly after it, and I never told any of them why. So, I was honestly surprised when I first heard from Sejin. I couldn't figure out why he would want me to come now.

Is he the one who wante—

No. No no no no no, no.

I absolutely forbid that thought process. I am not ruining my flow for this today. Today, I am getting my stupid ass on that plane, and going back to South fucking Korea to work for BigFuckingHit Entertainment with him.

Wait, for him?

With him?

Oh, who gives a shit at this point.

I swear I was so into my thoughts I could have stood in that one spot in the airport and missed my entire flight.

Once the realization that people were warily glancing at me staring into space, I snapped back to reality, got checked into my flight, and sat my happy ass down.

Luckily I was sitting window. About 20 minutes pass by before we take off and I realize that no one is sitting next to me. How lucky am I today? I looked out the window and admired how dark it was.

I have always been so calm in the dark. It was so safe. I could secretly indulge myself in my thoughts and whatever else I wanted because the dark always made me feel like I was hidden.

The dark held my secrets; this is where I don't have to face the reality of everything. This is where I could casually pull out my phone and scroll through all my old photos. Really old photos.

Like photos that are five years old.

Like I said, I get to do this stuff in the dark.

And just like that, there it was on my glowing screen. All the pictures from years and years ago. The first time I was in South Korea, my high school years, some of the greatest moments I can't bring myself to push out of my mind when I'm sitting here alone in my seat in the dark.

There we were, smiling so cheesy and so happily. At that moment, there wasn't a force or being in this entire universe that could have made us believe we would never speak again until 5 years later.

The night before everything went wrong.

There we were.

There he was.

Park Jimin

Wait—would he even remember me?



Yes, this story starts off extremely slow. It is almost painful and difficult to push yourself through, but I promise it will get fun and exciting. And I'm so open to anyone's ideas or inputs so please feel free to leave me any notes, comments, questions, concerns. Thanks for tuning in peeps!


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