f o r t y e i g h t

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Tina P.O.V.

I was almost relieved when the boys slowly started disappearing from my room. I say almost because I was slightly nervous when Jimin booked it out of my room first. It was almost as if someone finally took his leash off. The concerning thing was thinking about why the hell he was acting like a leashed dog.

Earlier this morning everything felt fine. Things seemed to be alright and nearly serene between us. So, what happened? It didn't help that Jungkook was being just as weird as Jimin was, maybe even worse.

I still had Taehyung and Yoongi laying on my bed; they seemed to be waiting for everyone else to leave. As soon as it was just the three of us, they sat up immediately.

"So, what's going on with you and Jimin now?" Taehyung asked immediately.

"Nothing...I think." I shrugged back, taking a seat on the bed with them.

"What do you mean you think? Why did he run out of here like you were contagious?" Yoongi questioned.

I hesitated for a moment, wondering if I was overthinking tonight, but decided it's usually best to get the opinion of the two people I'm closest to here. If I was going to get some insight into what Jungkook and Jimin's problem was, it was probably going to come from them.

"Well, honestly, I don't know. Everything was fine until you guys came to my room. I mean, neither he nor Jungkook answered my texts and they also didn't talk to me while they were here. It was just weird."

"It doesn't make sense though. What's up Jungkook's ass then?" Taehyung probed, tilting his head.

We remained quiet, pondering as many possibilities as we could. Nothing did make sense. Jimin had said everything he said the night before, not knowing that I heard obviously, and he left my room this morning at ease. The only thing I could guess about Jungkook is that he was annoyed that I slept in Jimin's room. 

As if Yoongi had read my mind, he spilled his thoughts out.

"Do you guys think Jungkook said something to Jimin?"

It wasn't exactly far-fetched, but why?

"Do you think he told Jimin?" Taehyung peeped.

"Told Jimin what?" I asked, dumbfoundedly, until the realization came to me. "Oh no, there's no way...right?"

"I mean, you do remember how he went off that night at the dorm, don't you?" Yoongi retorted.

"Yeah, but he wouldn't tell Jimin about me. Why would he?" I asked.

"Didn't you say he seemed annoyed when Jimin came into your room?" Yoongi tested.

"That doesn't explain why he'd do it, though." I indicated.

They both looked towards each other before looking back at me with a 'you're joking, right?' face.

"It can only be one thing." Taehyung started as I listened closely, "He's jealous."

"What?" I groaned out, rolling my eyes, "That's not possible after how he reacted when he found out who I was. He was so mad about how I kept the secret from Jimin."

"Or do you think he was mad that he found out about your history with Jimin?" Yoongi assessed.

"No, no, no. Just no. Jungkook was worried about me being with Jimin so that I didn't get hurt. You guys are off, and we don't even know that he said something to Jimin." I retorted.

"Only one way to find out." Yoongi replied.

Taehyung and I watched him as he walked over to the nightstand to toss my phone back to me.

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