f i f t e e n

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The entire rest of the flight was in utter silence for me. I kept my headphones in while I went through our schedule in its entirety to make sure I had everything down. 

I had received a conference call from Sejin and other BigHit members checking in to see how everything was going, needless to say, I portrayed a calm and unbothered demeanor. 

I kept my eyes down and away from the other boys, pretending to be so busy that I couldn't spare a glance into their lively conversations. I knew he was watching me though, and pretty soon, I'd give him something to watch.

I just didn't know what yet.

Upon landing, we were immediately escorted into 2 cars. I proceeded to a car without waiting for the rest of the boys to figure out who was going where. I sat in the back and pulled out my iPad yet again. 

Our luggage was picked up and in its own car on its way to our hotel already. Being the boujee ridiculous company that it is now, BigHit opted for a penthouse suite at The Mark. 

Ten thousand square feet, five bedrooms, and six bathrooms. 

Excessive? Absolutely

Who am I to complain though? Some of the boys were going to share rooms, but it was made clear that I was going to have my own room for privacy. I'm not going to lie, I was very thankful for that. 

These next few days were going to be hectic, we would have a second shoot for them. We also would have a dress rehearsal for the NYE ball drop, which would also mean spending Christmas and New Years together. 

I figured I could take advantage of their second shoot tomorrow to get everyone something for Christmas, but the thought of getting that asshole a gift right now made me want to vomit all over myself. Hopefully, I would relax myself and think rationally later on.

The door to my car opened revealing the face of the boy that was genuinely causing my physical pain to see. Instinctively, I put my bag next to me on my seat, making it impossible for someone to sit next to me, but I kept my head down, refusing to look at him.

 I could see from my peripheral that he stood there for a moment, looking at me before he decided to take a seat in the row in front of me and shut the door. I swear if the other boys don't hurry up and get in this car, I will dowse myself in gasoline and light my body on fire. 

Luckily, the door immediately reopened to Jungkook and Taehyung getting in the car. As quickly as I put my bag up blocking the seat next to me for Jimin, I happily removed it when Jungkook turned to me in search of a seat. 

That earned a glare from a very pissed off Jimin. If he wanted to play games, we were going to play games until one of us exploded, and I don't plan for it to be me.

I smiled at Jungkook as he put his arm over me, reaching down to my waist.

"How are you feeling now?" Jungkook whispered in my ear.

I could hear his sincerity as he was solely trying to comfort me. Alternatively, I had other plans.

"Better now, Kookie." I replied as I snuggled into his embrace. 

He only tightened his hold on me, causing me to believe that this was now both genuine concern and personal gain on his end. Jimin faced Taehyung to converse, but stole a few glances back to see Jungkook and I cuddled together in the back seat. 

After a few mindless words exchanged with his friend, Jimin grabbed his bag, pulled out his headphones, and secured them in his ears before he forcefully dropped his bag on the floor. 

Disruption • P.JMWhere stories live. Discover now