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I don't think my feet have ever moved so quickly before. It felt as if I just got caught standing in his room and there is absolutely no one else in this house. 

I ran downstairs as if I was being chased. I almost tripped over my own feet, but luckily I managed to not break anything in the house or on myself.

Why did he have that picture of us on his nightstand?

Better yet, why did he have half of that picture of us on his nightstand? Did he really get rid of my half of the photo? What the fuck!

I mean, even I still have our pictures together, and I hate him. What an ass. As if I didn't have enough reason to want to set him on fire. But it makes sense...I guess...I think.

Oh well.

"Ms. Tina, are you ready?" Jihyun's voice managed to interrupt my millions of meaningless thoughts. When did he pop his head in the door? Does he know I just came down from where the boys' rooms are? Does he know I was in Jimin's room? 

Am I really going to ignore the fact that Jimin has half of an old picture of us? Who cares? He won't recognize and he clearly wouldn't want to. There is nothing to worry about anymore. I turned to the kind driver and gave him a small smile.

"Yes, Jihyun. Let me just grab my bag."

The sun was really shining out, and I took it as a kind reminder to push everything back into mind. I don't need to think about this now. I just need to keep myself together and get this part over with so that I can get through this whole impossible scenario.

 I'm really trying to understand why I decided to do this stupid thing in the first place.

"Is everything all right Miss Tina?" Jihyun managed to once again pull me back out of my thoughts. I realize I was a bit more cheerful when I first got off the plane compared to now. I couldn't really help it though. I was thinking way too much and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't let it go. 

Stupid photo. Stupid him.

"Yes, I'm fine Jihyun, thank you! And please, just Tina" I smiled at him. He was so sweet. His smile was genuine every single time. He reminded me of old Ji—

The loud ring of my phone snapped me back to reality again thank God. It was Sejin. Thanks for finally calling back butthole.

"Yeoboseyo?" I answered.

"Hey Tina! Are you on your way here yet?" He asked. Leave it to Sejin to forget that I called him earlier. Poor guy, he must get so busy dealing with everything.

"Yeah we're not too far away now. We should be there in like 15 minutes or so." The reminder of how much closer I was getting to the actual building was slowly generating a terrifying knot in my stomach.

"I'm sorry I couldn't talk earlier; I was talking to the boys and letting them know you were coming." I felt my ears disintegrating from the scorching heat I felt. He told them I was coming?

"Oh...so, they know?" I inquired. Why did he tell them it was me? He couldn't just wait and see if they'd figure it out? If Jimin knows then—

"Well I told them that I had someone coming to step in for me, and I told them your name. I didn't really mention that you had all met before...I'm sorry, I really want you here, but I didn't want you and Jimin to be at each other's throats or anything. I still remember how crazy he..." 

His words became a blur. I couldn't hear a word he was saying over my own thoughts. So, Jimin doesn't know it's me. And if he's made no indication to Sejin that he's familiar with my name, then it's perfect. 

Clearly, I'm not Korean. So, my name should be a little bit harder to forget for that brat, but honestly, I could not be more thankful in the moment. Maybe, just maybe, things will go smoothly. But still, something felt off. I'm missing something, but I haven't a clue what it could possibly be. Oh well, Jimin won't remember me, so it should be fine.

I didn't even realize Sejin had hung up the phone. I know I was mindlessly answering him, but still, I felt bad. How awkward.

"We're here Mis—Tina!" I giggled as Jihyun snapped out of my sulky thoughts yet again. And here I was, in front of BigHit Entertainment. Jesus Christ how the hell am I going to manage to walk in through this building? 

Sejin said to let them know who I was and that I was there to see him and they should lead me up to the floor to meet in his office.

I admired the inside of the building as I walked in. It was beautiful. Definitely different from the first time I was ever inside of BigHit. They have definitely come a long way. It's absolutely wonderful to realize. I'm so happy for them. Well, sort of. I mean, oh whatever! 

I'm not a hater! I think. I hate him, but good for them. I approached the receptionist sitting typing away at her computer. She was typing so fast; what the hell could she be doing? 

I wonder if she having a full blown argument on with someone on social media or something. People do that, don't they? I personally don't know. I have an Instagram with zero posts. Social media was never my thing.

"Annyeonghaseyo" I bowed to her. God I hope I can still do this right. She shot up with an immediate smile on her face that got just a bit smaller when she actually looked at me. I was used to it. Everyone in this country was thoroughly confused when they first met me. 

Yes, I know what I am and what I'm not. I'm not blind. I speak Korean fluently, but no, I'm not Korean. I wish people would stop making their disappointed confusion so obvious sometimes. Oh well.

"My name is Tina, I'm here to meet with Sejin" I smiled politely at her. I can't be mad at her; I'm sure it isn't a personal thing.

"O-Oh! Yes! Of course. Nice to meet you Tina. My name is Minseo. Please follow me this way." 

God, when she stood up I realized she was so little! I wanted to put her in my pocket! She seemed really nice after I just mentally bitched about her. I followed her through to the elevator that took us up to the sixteenth floor. 

She directed me from the elevator as to how to get to Sejin's office and with that, the doors closed and she was gone. I walked up to the door after I got off the elevator, walked down the hallway, turned left, skipped three doors and stopped at the second door to my right. 

I slowly knocked before realizing yet again what I was about to do and who I was about to see. And here come all the stomach knots again.

"Come in." Was all I heard.

Disruption • P.JMWhere stories live. Discover now