t w e n t y n i n e

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Jimin P.O.V.

I had absolutely no idea where Tina left with Sejin, but it was irritating. She was friendly with Sejin and I didn't mind that, but how were they so friendly? If they didn't know each other, I'd expect a much simpler and more professional relationship between the two of them. 

All it did was raise my suspicions of her. We started practice with our choreographer. We knew we were going to perform multiple songs. Practice was going smoothly until Jungkook bumped into me.

"Pay attention to where you move and watch it." He spat at me. 

He's been so aggressive with me and I don't understand why exactly.

"Alright, what is your problem? Are you mad that I'm dating your Noona? Because you have to get over it." 

We were very close to each other. And he wasn't backing up away from me.

"If you were dating her it would be one thing, but you're not even doing that Hyung. You're fucking with her. And she's a nice girl." 

He got closer to my face. He's been on edge with me since he noticed what was going on between me and Tina.

"I'm not fucking with her and it's none of your business." We were in each other's faces now.

"Guys this is not the time for it. We have practice to get through." 

We heard Seokjin trying to get us to calm down. Though, we really couldn't pay him much attention.

"Oh really? When have you ever not been fucking with a girl? She can do so much better than you, but you're probably kissing her ass so she'll fall for your bullshit before you get rid of her. Because that's what you do Jimin. And I actually like Tina! We all do. So if you fuck this up for everyone—" 

I couldn't listen to him anymore. He was infuriating me when he had no idea what was going on in my mind. I didn't even know what I was going to do with the situation I already faced with Tina. He needed to get out of my face before I really got irritated.

"Jungkook get the fuck out of my face and mind your own business."

"Or what, hyung?" He shoved me. 

Did he actually push me?

"Or I'm gonna fuck you up before you get to perform!" 

I shoved him back. It was almost instantaneous. Everyone came running around us trying to back us up from each other.

"You two need to grow the fuck up and focus on what's important right now." 

Namjoon hyung was upset with us and you could hear in his voice that he is losing his patience.

"I don't fucking want to hear about Tina today from either of you. We have so much to do these next few weeks. Jungkook, it's none of your business what Tina and Jimin do. And Jimin you need to chill the fuck out." 

Yoongi was the one we didn't want upset with us, and here we are, getting scolded.

"Whatever, when she ditches us because of you, and whatever fucked up mental shit you've got going on, I'm gonna come for you. Just remember that Hyung." 

Jungkook jolted himself out of everyone's grip and went off. He needed to cool down. And I needed to think things through so we decided to take a break.

Tae came to me thankfully and sat with me while I was alone in one corner of the room.

"Jungkook will calm down. He just really likes Tina, you know? You can't exactly blame him considering what's happened in the past." 

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