f o r t y t h r e e

401 31 70

Tina P.O.V.

I woke up in my same spot on the floor with Hoseok standing over me, nudging at my shoulder. His face was splattered with concern as he brushed the hairs out of my face.

"Are you okay?" He asked as I sat up in my spot, covering myself with what I realized was solely my bathrobe from last night.

I held my throbbing head as I recalled the events from the prior evening. Jimin yelling, calling me names, using any insult he could to make me feel as broken as he did. It had worked. I had no will to move even an inch off the rug I was sitting on.

I rubbed the back of my neck as I finally turned to look Hoseok in the eyes with my half-opened ones.

"What time is it?" I groggily questioned.

"Well, let's just say we're going to be late..." He trailed off as he turned his phone screen to my face.

It's 8:45!?

I panicked, flying up off the ground into the bathroom. How perfect. I'm going to be late on Hoseok's last day with his video. I hadn't necessarily thought about it or past it, for that matter.

We were going to be leaving for Los Angeles tomorrow and I had not put a single thought into what I was going to do with Jimin. Unfortunately, I couldn't think about any of that at the moment. My main focus was to get my ass out of this shower and get Hobi through his last day of shooting.

I got out, wrapping a towel around me and stood in front of the mirror. I tried my best to get my appearance in order, but looking ahead at the reflection in front of me was far from encouraging. I don't remember when it is exactly that I fell asleep, but I know that had cried until I physically was no longer able to.

My eyes were puffy from the anguish I had shed throughout the night and my skin looked sunken in under my eyes.

There's not enough makeup in the world for this.

My hair had been fading since the day I got it done and now I could really see the ends having turned into a sickly greenish teal, looking as grim as the rest of my face.

I dropped my towel to the ground, feeling too exhausted to put it in a sensible spot. My body felt stiff and I could barely lift my arms to do my face and makeup. I was repeating over and over in my head that the sun was out and I had to continue my job. I looked down underneath my breast at the three small letters that have now made their appearance after I thoroughly scrubbed my body in the shower.

I felt what was left of my aching heart drop as I remembered that I would still have to face Jimin eventually. I was terrified as his words ran through my mind again.

You're upset now? I haven't even started yet.

Hearing the words in that chilling tone of voice again sent a shiver down my spine. What was he going to do? I hadn't forgotten how quick he had invited Dahye in his bed when I had kissed Jungkook in front of him. This time, I felt uneasy.

Strangely enough, the idea of him sleeping with someone didn't terrify as much. I mean, what was the worst he could do? Sleep with Seulgi?

I scrunched up my face in abhorrence at the sickening image of those two tumbling around his sheets and laughing about me together. My nightmare come true. Of course, I'd know that he was merely doing it to spite me. As much as the carelessness of the act itself would hurt me, I could get past it, at least, for the sake of the job.

I could deal with any of it when it came to Jimin. The problem wasn't that he was going to get back at me or try to hurt me. The one thing that terrified me more than anything, was looking into his eyes. I could clearly remember the contempt look he gave me.

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