f i f t y o n e

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Tina P.O.V.

Earlier that evening

I had finished getting ready and patiently awaited Taehyung's arrival. I had started making us hot chocolate and got myself a bottle of wine as well. Tae wasn't much of a drinker; he was actually a bigger lightweight than me. Having a movie night in my room with cocoa was probably the most relaxing and least problematic scenario for us tonight.

I was practically bouncing with excitement when I heard a knock on my door. I hustled over to it and pull the handle to reveal Taehyung with that boyish grin. I looked over at what he apparently considered to be a "comfortable" outfit that consisted of ivory Gucci sweatpants with the famous red and green trim on the side of the upper thigh, as well as a matching hoodie. Oh, and slides; he can never forget his Gucci slides.

"You're kidding me, right?" I giggled out as he stepped into the room.

"What did you expect?" He stated, motioning his hands over his outfit, "You only have yourself to blame." He hopped over to my bed and threw himself on it, securing his hands behind his head.

Taehyung had grown up extremely poor. He was born in Daegu and practically raised by his grandmother in Geoghang on a farm. I met Tae when he and Jimin became trainees and we ended up at the same high school. He was always humble, but whenever we went out and about Seoul, I'd see him gazing through the windows of higher-end stores, or looking at my bag or shoes. It was heartbreaking to see him struggle between all the things he wanted and being thankful for what he already had.

Jimin had gotten so used to me by then, but I didn't know Taehyung well enough to do things for him like I did for Jimin. I was always afraid of coming on too strong. The more I got to know him though, the more interesting he became. Tae really was strange; calling him an alien sometimes was an understatement. He loved classical music, art, bubbles, and roller coasters. I had come to love his abnormal qualities as much as I loved Jimin's. When his first birthday with me and Jimin came around, I knew I wanted to give him something special. He was a hard worker with a beautiful soul, and I wanted him to feel like the work he put in was worth it.

So, I bought him his first pair of Gucci shoes. Nothing crazy, just a simple pair of leather loafers with a Web strap and Double 'G' hardware. It was a day I'd never forget. The twinkle in his eyes would make an angel cry. His expression was that of one who was just given the solution to all his problems because of shoes. Humble appreciation wasn't a grand enough depiction of how he thanked me. He treated me as though I had just given him a kidney.

And that was the start of a beautiful obsession.

"So, what are we going to watch?" He asked, bringing me back from my memorial visitation.

I plopped on the bed next to him and adjusted myself against the headboard.

"It's been a minute since we've watched Spirited Away." I stated as I watched his eyes widened. We loved that movie and had seen it so many times together, with and without Jimin.

We put the movie on, but we couldn't focus long enough on it without recalling some fond memory of every time we had watched it.

"Remember the time we went to see it in Seoulland?" He exclaimed, sitting up against the headboard with me.

"And then when we stayed to ride Black Hole as many times as we could until they closed?" I laughed out in response.

Taehyung and I snuck out a lot when he became a trainee at BigHit. We had gotten fairly good at it at one point.

"Do you remember the first time we took Jimin with us?" He shouted out, clasping his cheeks in his hands.

"You mean, first and last time? He was such a baby about going on the big rides!" I recalled.

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