t h i r t y e i g h t

416 36 48

Jimin P.O.V.

Apparently, it wasn't enough that I was laying on the ground with my back and knee hurting, clearly, the universe wanted to give me a headache too. The ringing I could hear through my ears after such a rough practice was irritating me to the bone. 

I blocked her number and now she shows up here?

I groaned loudly in annoyance, not moving from my spot.

"What are you doing here Seulgi?" I kept my eyes to the ceiling; I really didn't want to see her.

"I was passing by and decided to just say hi." 

Her tone was sweet, but I know her better than that.

"What do you really want?" I icily asked her.

I heard her footsteps coming closer to me and I rolled my eyes. Suddenly, I saw her smug face with a doll-like smile formed across it. She looked me in the eyes and slowly tilted her head to remind me that I made one of the worst mistakes of my life. 

I ruined a relationship with someone important to me, I let myself get locked in with this girl and she's already caused a strain in my most recent endeavor with Tina.

"Want to take a break and hang out with me?" She giggled through her smirk as she gave me a wink. 

I really want to see her stop smiling.

And that's when it hit me.

"I actually just took a break...with Tina." I curled my lips up into a wide grin and winked back her.

Her smile quickly dropped at the sound of her name. The expression in her eyes changed. The once playful look she carried immediately became aggressive. I knew this would irk her in more ways than one. 

Both because of the fact I was with another girl, and because of the familiarity of her name.

To my surprise, her smile quickly came back. As if she didn't just hear the one name she can't stand.

"Next time then." She kept that same cheeky smile plastered on her face.

"I'll be busy." I spat back at her.

"With Tina? Yeah, well, I remember your track record involving foreigners with that name. I'm not that worried." She chuckled, her eyes never leaving mine.

It took everything in me not to pretend she was a guy and smack her away. 

Yes, I said it. 

No regrets. 

It's not like I actually did it. Before another word could come out, the doors opened again. I saw Tina walking into the room and Seulgi made sure to stare her down until Tina made eye contact with her and moved her gaze to the ground.

That's not normal.

Tina typically is feisty and full of attitude. Considering what last transpired between the two, I wouldn't imagine that Tina would be walking over to a corner...by herself...with her head down. 

I stood up quickly, both excited to see Tina again and ready to keep her out of Seulgi's wrath, but she wouldn't come near us. She sat down in a corner and typed away at her iPad, refusing to look up at anyone. 

Her face was expressionless.

I assumed she just wanted to stay away from Seulgi because of what happened last time between and this time, we're at BigHit this time. I'm surprised that she hasn't had Seulgi physically removed yet though. 

Disruption • P.JMWhere stories live. Discover now