t h i r t y s e v e n

417 37 53

Jimin P.O.V.

I got back to the rest of the group with a smile so big, it was hurting my cheeks. I loved seeing Tina so flustered because of me. It made me gratified like I was doing something to feel proud of. 

Granted, feeling proud of making a girl orgasm on a table or making her blush seems a bit chauvinistic, but it wasn't solely about the act itself.

I relished the idea of her reacting to me in general. I adore the idea of her having any type of feelings towards me at all. 

Of course, I prefer the romantic feelings and know that I can't ignore the envy I obviously feel regarding her with other men, but the thought of her actually being my Tina made it all the more irresistible.

While I still hadn't let go of the need to find out if Tina really was who I thought, I was more than willing to enjoy the time I had with her. She makes me feel like she genuinely cherishes me. The thought of it all made me grin like a child. 

Apparently, it was noticeable.

"Do we even want to know where you were?" Taehyung asked me. 

I rolled my eyes upward, pretending to think about his question.

"Um..." I pondered.

"I can tell you right now I don't!" Jungkook shouted as he covered his ears.

"I kinda do." Yoongi said quietly and I turned my attention towards him while sporting a 'what the fuck' look over my face. The shocked silence finally forced him to explain. 

"She is hot."

"I'm glad someone finally said it." Hoseok chuckled.

"Don't go there." I warned. 

Like I said, envy.

"He's right guys stop." Namjoon laughed as he patted Jungkook's head, "Jungkook went there once and they almost killed each other."

"If I remember correctly, she kissed me." Jungkook laughed, burying his face.

"Because you dared her to." I spat back.

"She could've said no." 

The boys continued to laugh at my expense, but I only felt my blood boiling at the thought of Jungkook making light of what happened between them.

"Are you going to shut the fuck about it?" I reached over and yanked him up by the collar of his shirt.

The boys rushed over and pulled Jungkook back out of my grasp as Taehyung pulled me back by my arms.

"Jimin he's joking; you need to relax!" Taehyung tried to calm me down, but it was irritating having to listen to it. 

I sighed heavily, remembering that I've come too far with Jungkook now to go back to where we were over Tina.

"You're right. Jungkook I'm sorry. But don't talk about her, any of you." I declared one last warning to them and Jungkook put his hands up in defeat.

"Don't worry Hyung, I don't plan on going near her." Jungkook spat.

I could've stopped and wondered what Jungkook meant by what he was saying, but instead, I was merely grateful to have ceased the conversation. I don't really care how he feels about Tina, so long as he doesn't try or say anything stupid.

"Where is Tina anyway?" Seokjin asked, thankfully disrupting the conversation.

"Minseo came and got her. I guess someone's here to see her."

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