f i f t y t h r e e

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Tina P.O.V.

The silent tension between the two of us was finally beginning to dissipate after the other boys moved their little shindig over to Seokjin's room. We stood around awkwardly for a moment. I had my eyes to the ground while I could feel Taehyung's stare boring through me.

I looked up and saw how dejected he truly was. He looked like he didn't get much sleep last night either. It weighed heavily on me, knowing that I was causing him pain, too.

"So—" I started.

"I'm sorry." He cut me off immediately, stepping closer, "I know what it looked like, but I wasn't hanging out with you and reminiscing just to keep you away from Jimin. I would never do that to you. I could never." He said.

Taehyung quickly gave in to familiar instincts and didn't waste any time throwing his arms around me as I slowly wrapped mine around his waist. It was a relief for both of us to end our feud. I needed him as a friend. I needed a friend and after Jimin, he was the one I was always closest to.

"I know." I breathed out, "I'm not mad. I was, but I was just mad about all of it. You guys have been friends for years, so you can understand why I would think that you would all cover for each other."

"Listen to me." He grabbed my hand and pulled me closer as we both took a seat on my bed. "Yes, obviously we would protect each other, but we know who you are. You're not some stranger in all of our lives. And..." His voice trailed off.

"And what?" I asked after waiting only seconds in anxious silence.

"And I know how Jimin would feel if he knew what he was doing to you. He's already become so much more involved than he probably wanted to be and he doesn't even know you're you. I couldn't call myself his friend if I just sat back and helped him do it when I do know." He finally replied in a low tone.

I sighed heavily at his words.

"This would be so much easier if I just told Jimin from the beginning and it's so fucked up now. I can't imagine how he'd react at this point." I admit.

Tae sat silently for a moment, looking like he didn't want to admit what he was thinking. Giving up on his inner struggle, he finally let out a sigh and nervously spoke again.

"Jimin would be devastated if you told him now." He let out. "He'd most likely hate himself. He'd probably murder Jungkook, and he'd kill all of us for knowing and not telling him."

"You don't think I should tell him at all." I pointed out.

"No. I don't. At least, not while we've got so much going on."

I nodded my head in agreement. I've already gotten away with causing so much more trouble than I should have been allowed. It was disappointing for me, professionally. So, I couldn't hurt Jimin now and cause more friction between him and the other boys.

"But I still don't get why Jungkook is doing this." I blurted out after sitting silently next to Tae, who finally turned back to me.

"No one does. He did everything on his own. I haven't asked and honestly, I don't care to. There's no way that little shit can justify this." Taehyung's voice had slowly started to get louder.

"I feel like I should know why before he tries to do anything else—"

"Believe me," He cut me off again, "I don't plan on letting him do anything else."

"He won't even look at me, Tae. As if I wasn't tired enough, I'm taking my Adderall like it's candy all over again. I'm getting migraines as often as I am breathing." I admitted quietly.

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