f i f t y e i g h t

423 22 28

Jimin's P.O.V.

It had been the same thing since that morning. I woke up to the dull rays of the sunrise creeping through the ivory curtains of my room. I turned over in my bed when I was struck with the realization that my bed was empty.

Tina never came back.

The thought sprang me up and straight out of my room. The hallway was entirely silent, indicating that I might be the only one up.

So, where was she?

I jolted to Taehyung's doorstep, ready to smack the door down with my thoughts of them in bed together again racing through my mind. However, I stopped when I realized how insane that would make me look if Taehyung was alone.

I didn't want Taehyung to think I didn't trust him, or truthfully, I didn't want to cause any problems with him. He said he wouldn't do that to me, so what reason would I have not to believe that?

I turned to the lineup of room doors behind me, spotting Tina's, reluctantly walking towards it as I begged every force in the universe that she was in there.

Because if she wasn't, I was going to burn something down.

As I approached her door, I mistakenly let my anxiety get the better of me, allowing my hand to fly up and pound on her door in a panic.

Please be in here, please.

The only sound I could hear was coming from the incessant tapping of my foot to the ground as I nearly started to break into a sweat. I reached up and knocked again with the ferocity of a madman.

I shut my eyes and took a deep breath as the door flung open. To my relief, there stood the girl I was waiting for, alone. Her hair was an absolute mess, strands flying in all different directions. And, bless her, she wasn't wearing any pants.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Tina grumbled with one eye open as she rubbed the other.

I clearly woke her out of profound sleep, but I didn't take a moment to think about it as I exhaled a chuckle at her childlike appearance.

"What?" she cried, flailing her arm down her side and lightly stomping her foot to the ground like a toddler.

When my moment of adoration was over with, my original mission came back into mind.

"Why didn't you come back to my room last night?" I asked firmly.

My heart dropped the instant her face did. Her silence abruptly infuriated me.

"Or did you just get back to your room?" I interrogated, foraging for a sufficient response.

"N-no, we didn't take long," Tina quickly retorted.

Why the fuck is she stuttering?

"If you didn't take long, why didn't you come back?" I demanded, "I told you I'd wait up for you."

"Well, clearly you didn't," she mumbled as she rubbed her temples.

"Are you kidding me?" I started as my voice gradually became louder.

"That's not what I meant!" Tina exasperated, throwing her hands up in the air.

"Then, what?" I asked, losing my patience as I stepped further into her room. "Did something happen?"

"Absolutely not," she tried to say convincingly, but her eyes were hiding something. And I knew that because they were looking at the ceiling.

Disruption • P.JMWhere stories live. Discover now