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Jimin P.O.V.

I sat there, holding Tina as she stayed completely silent. The only thing to be heard was the rippling of the water surrounding us. Her silence was terrifying me.

The one thing I was worried about more than anything else, was that the craziness of what was going on around us was going to drive her away. And it's my fault.


I didn't try hard enough with Tina when it came to Seulgi the first time, but I don't know how to try harder this time.

I'm afraid of pushing Seulgi to the brink of her hurting Tina or the other boys. But I'm also afraid of losing Tina in this madness. If I'm never going to have my Tina again, I sure as hell didn't want to lose this Tina.

I wanted something from her, anything at all, but she was so quiet. She seemed to be deep in thought about something, but it felt like holding a corpse. She was just there, simply breathing.

I was too petrified to speak.

So, instead, I sat there with my arms around her until she finally spoke.

"I'm sorry." She barely managed to whisper out.

"What do you mean?" I mumbled as I lightly kissed the side of her head, taking in her scent.

"For this." She sighed out, exasperated.

"You didn't do anything, Tina. There's nothing to be sorry about."

I felt her body begin to stiffen in my arms. I worried when I could hear her breathing stagger.

"Come on." She said, pushing herself out of my arms and standing up. I watched the water glistening down her skin with a pit forming in my stomach as I moved my eyes up to her pleasing face.

There was nothing. She had no expression. She looked like a cold and computerized version of herself. It was as if she was gone, but she was still in front of my eyes.

Tina turned back to me for a moment. She uncomfortably shied away and I couldn't understand what was happening with her. She had completely covered herself as best she could with her arms. It was almost as if she was ashamed of standing in front of me. Her eyes seemed to be refusing to meet mine and that scared me.

"We have to talk." Was all she said before turning back and exiting the tub.

I felt numb. I felt like I knew what she was going to say and I was petrified about hearing it. I couldn't move.

"What's wrong?" I peeped out, still seated in the tub.

"Just come out, Jimin." She demanded coldly as she tightly wrapped a robe around her delicate self.

I got out and dried myself off with a towel as slowly as I could before I got dressed again. I couldn't wrap my head around what in the world she would possibly want to talk about, but I didn't have a good feeling about it.

I crossed the threshold from her bathroom to her bedroom as I looked to her standing with one hand holding her temples, as the other was propped under the opposite arm. She was thinking, contemplating. I don't think I had seen her so conflicted since her arrival. It was baffling how scared she looked.

I could only feel the same amount of fear creeping through my entire being.

"Sit." She requested, motioning to her bed while still refusing eye contact with me, and I obeyed.

Until I couldn't hold in anymore.

"Tina, please, I can handle Seulgi—"

"No," She immediately snapped, "You can't. And neither can I. And I—" She stopped for a moment, her breath hitching at her own words.

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