t h i r t y t h r e e

418 38 23

Tina P.O.V.

My heart nearly flew out of my chest hearing him ask. Not because I couldn't come up with a good enough lie, but because I found myself wondering, why did I come? 

Or I guess, come back? 

I'd never really put much thought into it; I just kind of agreed to the job when Sejin asked. Initially, I didn't even want to see Jimin; I thought we still loathed each other. 

So, why then?

"Because Sejin asked me to?" Was all I could articulate at the moment. At least, until I could come up with a better answer for myself.

"And how do you know Sejin?" He eyed me meticulously as if he was waiting to analyze whatever answer I gave him.

"A mutual friend." It managed to roll off my tongue fairly easily, considering it wasn't an entire lie.

I met Sejin through Jimin, but he didn't need to know that part. Tension arose when I realized Jimin was up to something and refusing to give up the topic of discussion.

"How would someone who's never been to Korea before end up having mutual friends with Sejin?" 

He scooted closer in his seat. I can't decipher the thoughts that were evidently galloping through his mind.

"Small world I guess." 

And I'm suffocating in it

He was boring holes in my eyes with his own intense gaze. I was suffocating in his presence. I tried to slow my breathing down under his stare.

"Maybe." He hummed, his eyes never faltering. 

What is it about a man intensely looking at you while sipping whiskey? The scorching chills I was feeling were slowly turning into tingles. 

"Well, dinner's ready if you want to take a seat at the table." His face changed again, lightening up a little to my relief.

"Can I help?" 

I stood up with him; I wanted to keep busy so I could avoid getting lost in my thoughts again. He smiled at me, squinted his eyes into that loving crescent shape before turning me around by my shoulders and nudging me towards the dinner table.

"Absolutely not. I invited you to dinner, so I am going to take care of it all." 

He chuckled as I took my seat and watched him graciously make his way through his kitchen. It smelled divine and I was curious as to what Jimin could've even made. 

Up until now, I simply assumed that he would've ordered food. Jimin never really could make anything besides kimchi fried rice.

It was funny to think about. When we were younger, Jimin constantly mentioned that he needed to meet a girl who could cook. 

Imagine my surprise when I met pompous Seulgi. They never spent a single dinner together that wasn't at a restaurant. He never cooked for her though, which made me wonder.

"Can I ask you something? I mean, without making this awkward?" 

I needed to add that last part because I probably was going to make this awkward, but I needed to know. His blonde head popped out from the kitchen with a small smile, concealing any worry.

"Of course. What's up?" He said as he came out with two plates in his hand.

"Why did you ask me to dinner here? At your apartment?"

He put the plates down on the table as he finally took his seat across from me. He seemed...apprehensive, fidgeting slightly with his hands. He looked as though he was coming up with something to say, but why?

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