f i f t y f i v e

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Tina P.O.V.

I probably should've assumed that this was where the conversation was going to begin. Of course, Jimin wants to know what happened with Tae. That question was going to burn in his mind until he knew exactly what happened, but where exactly was I even going to start with that? How? I probably should've figured it out beforehand since standing here in thought and complete silence wasn't doing me any favors.

His eyes flooded with darkness.

"Yeah," he chuckled, humorlessly. "That's what I fucking thought."

Hold up.

"Where the hell do you get off even having the audacity to be upset with me right now?" I snapped.

Jimin was instantly thrown off by my response. How could he be surprised? His hypocrisy was entirely unfathomable.

"I haven't stooped so low as to fuck your best friend," Jimin maliciously chimed.

You 'fucking my best friend' is technically just masturbation, isn't it? I tried to keep from almost laughing in my scattering thoughts.

"My friends aren't here for you to fuck," I emphasized that he most certainly would have.

He tensed up all over again at what I was saying. Jimin probably hasn't been challenged like this in quite a while. Sure, Seulgi was borderline controlling him because of the leverage she had over him, but it was evident that most girls he encountered were so quick to cower down at his will. He needed to control the situation because he couldn't control what had happened with us a long time ago.

But instead of flipping out again, he closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath in.

"I wouldn't do that to you," he calmly breathed out.

"Right. You seem like more of a 'quantity' guy rather than 'quality'."

Maybe that was a bit much. Well, clearly, it was a bit much because Jimin was riled up all over again.

"You seem to forget that you dumped me," he said as his voice grew louder. "What did you want me to do?"

"Not sleep with every living, breathing, being that walked by!" I shouted back.

"But it's perfectly fine for you to end things with me, lie to me about Seulgi, and sleep with my best friend?!"

"I didn't sleep with Taehyung!" I screamed, clenching my fists.

I finally said it. And it utterly silenced the room. Taehyung and I never had sex and Jimin seemed to fall into an entirely new vortex of confusion. He was still hesitant though. He was truly set on this narrative of me betraying him that way.

"You're lying," he said trying to maintain his position as if he was going to catch me in some sort of deception.

"I said I didn't sleep with him, not that I didn't try to," I said calmly.

That was a bad idea. Jimin was fuming now. Without all that foundation, I probably would've seen how red his face had come from the rage and he was clearly feeling.

"What happened?" he gritted through his tightly clenched jaw.

Truthfully, I thought he would just storm off and that would be the end of the conversation. How much detail was I supposed to give him exactly?

"We kissed, but Taehyung didn't let it go any further than that."

Well, he kissed me.

Taehyung had said he wanted to do that for years and had to get it off his chest. Tae had been a friend to me in the beginning and even when I first came back to Korea. He didn't treat me like the girl who ditched his best friend. He had kept my secrets and always consoled me. He tried to protect me in every way that he could without overstepping.

Disruption • P.JMWhere stories live. Discover now